Page 10 - Tyrrells Chips
P. 10

In May 2007 Chase introduced two

               additions to its snacks range – Tyrrells
               Alternatives! Habas Fritas lightly spiced
               cooked broad beans and Chill Rice Puffs.

               Chase also had plans for an,

                   •  “all-natural” potato vodka,
                   •  upmarket food halls selling local produce,
                   •  oat based healthy snacks, and

                   •  even an hotel.

               In 2003 revenue was £500,000 by 2009 it had reached £15,000,000 and

               the business was expanding into the rest of Europe and India.

               AFTER TESCO

               After the Tesco battle Chase was approached by Sainsbury's who
               offered to put Tyrrells brand in all its stores. Chase rebuffed the offer

                "It's not our aim to be the world's largest chip-maker,"

               Chase had no intention of staying small. Instead he had begun exporting
               to fine-food stores in mainland Europe and planned to introduce new
               products, such as muesli bars and dips, to his existing product portfolio.

               A TAX-FREE LOAN

               In late 2007 Tyrrells won £5million, in the form of an interest-free loan, at
               the Midlands Final of the inaugural Bank of Scotland Corporate £25m
               Entrepreneur Challenge.
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