P. 117

Company Profile/Investment Appraisal

                   Before any solution to any problem can be generated it is necessary to
                   appreciate the factors which affect the possible solutions that might be
                   generated. In the case of a business organisation the forces which act

                   upon it are infinite. Consequently, prioritising the impact of these forces
                   even at an elementary level is essential. One starting point is to attempt
                   to understand the make-up of the organisation itself. This can be done
                   by developing a broad brush approach which builds a profile of the

                   constituent  parts  of  the  organisation.  Thus  it  is  possible  to  ask  the
                   following  questions  and  from  the  answers  generated  create  a  map
                   which highlights some the organisation's strengths and weaknesses

                   and its opportunities and threats.
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