P. 16


                  Two elements dominate the holistic approach to corporate planning (or strategic
                  management), these are the internal environment and the external environment.

                  The Internal Environment

                  The organisation’s management has control over the constituent elements which
                  make up the organisation i.e. labour, finance, technology, systems, goals and
                  values etc. Management decides how and when to use these resources in pursuit
                  of its objectives. However, these resources are finite. Changing one will impact
                  on the others. If the firm increases its technology base then the result will likely
                  be a reduction in finance as the new technology is paid for and possibly labour as
                  it is replaced by technology. In other words management has control over these
                  resources  bounded  by  their  individual  sizes  which  together  may  be  seen  as
                  overlapping with an external boundary which shifts as changes are made to the
                  individual elements.

                   Amoeba Boundary A                            Amoeba Boundary B

                  Changing one will affect the others. Anything within the amoeba boundary can be
                  controlled by management. But if it is not controlled by management then it is in
                  the external environmental area. An area however, over which management will
                  endeavour to try to exercise influence and control.
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