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judgement) instead of a ‘descriptive’ process of ‘what is happening’
(based on empirical research).
2.2 Strategy Development Processes in Organisations
Strategy can be formulated on three different levels:
➢ corporate level
➢ business unit level
➢ operational or functional level.
To a great extent strategy is about competing and surviving as a firm.
This section examines the various levels of the firm's strategic actions.
Strategy sometimes is compared with planning with the words ‘plan’
and ‘strategy’ used interchangeably. Strategic planning may be viewed
as a highly systemised, step-by-step systematic approach of strategic
procedures that are rational and lead to a formulated strategic plan.
These plans may begin with a short-term activity (maybe 3 to 6
months) to begin a long-term strategic process (maybe 3 to 5 years)
with targeted results. The planning horizon is decided by the situation
of the organisation and its environment.
· The traditional planning approach sees the Chief Executive of the
organisation at the one who sets the long term goals, establishes the