P. 80


                  Organisational approach to strategic management will vary between

                  organisations with some organisations employing formal or planned

                  strategic decision processes whilst others allowing strategy to develop

                  and evolve within their organisation. Each method has its own pros and


                  Writers like Quinn and Mintzberg advocate the organisation follow a

                  less formal or structured strategic development process in order to

                  allow for changes in the organisation’s environment. Quinn discussed

                  the benefits of implementing ‘incremental’ changes that are more

                  ‘evolution’ than ‘transformation’ to allow the organisation to adapt to

                  changes in their environment. Mintzberg identified fallacies associated

                  with strategic planning (prediction, detachment and formalisation)

                  that hinder the emergence of strategies.

                  The key is for organisations to identify the strategic development

                  process that best fits their capabilities, competences and culture while

                  adapting to the changes in their environment.

                  Learning objectives

                  After studying this Topic you should be able to:
                  •  understand the nature of strategic management
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