P. 77
· Logical Incrementalism ( J. B. Quinn ) concluded a major study into
‘logical incrementalism’ that discussed the view of management
‘incrementally’, over a period of time, moving the organisation into the
strategic position it wants to be in within a few years.
This involves incremental, not radical, changes that lead the
organisation forward. In effect, to Quinn, strategy is more evolution
(incremental) than revolution (transformational) and builds on the
experience of the organisation. It is more of a ‘learning through doing’
process of small, incremental steps that include cultural and political
commitment of the organisation. Whilst this process may involve the
organisation and be adaptable to the changes in the organisations
environment, it also might discourage innovation by relying on the past
as the organisation develops.
The organisation’s culture will affect its strategic development process.
Some organisational culture will lean more towards the ‘political view’
whilst other culture will be more ‘learning organisation’ based.
• Political View: In some cases, the strategy being followed in an
organisation is ‘really the outcome of the bargaining and power politics
that go on between important executives’. The ‘political view’ contends
that strategy is an outcome of the bargaining and negotiation process
and discusses how the internal politics of an organisation may
influence and steer its strategic development.
• Learning Organisation: Organisations that are ‘capable of continual
regeneration from the variety of knowledge, expertise and skills of