Page 32 - The Case Lab Book
P. 32

Don’t Ignore Sources of Information

               Few people have the ability to immediately see a route to a case study solution. So,
               seek enlightenment where it is on offer.

               Do not ignore the lecturer and the hints he may give on what is expected in the
               analysis of the case or your peer group and how they see it.

               DO talk to people
               The collective brain is stronger than the individual one. Where the individual may make
               intuitive leaps and see linkages it is the collective, through communication that often
               provides the spark to ultimately light the way to a solution.

               So if possible work with a group

               b: Case Study Approaches

               Business case study analysis: the first was and is the Harvard
               approach, developed at the Harvard Business School and then
               subsequently adopted by most of the major business schools
               throughout the world. This approach was based on a systematic
               study of the firm, in the context of the five main functional areas
               of management:

                       - finance,
                       - marketing,

                       - production,
                       - personnel and
                       - general management (business management).

               Developing from this approach were cases, which had ‘decision points’,
               which were clearly identifiable. Generally, they tended to be based on

               cases taken from the manufacturing sector.
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