Page 35 - The Case Lab Book
P. 35
Three broad questions may be asked of any case:
1.Where are we now?
2. Where are we going?
3. How do we get there?
Who, what, when, where, how, why and what happens to the
In attempting to answer these questions an holistic approach is
adopted. The objective being to bring together all the available
information in such a way as to allow examination in the most
meaningful and productive terms. In each of these areas there
are a range of questions or points which can act as a framework for
analyses. They can conveniently be listed as criteria to be
addressed, and consequently this allows a methodology to be built up
which can be used in any case study or business situation.
- suggest a solution prematurely
- state problems in behavioral (personal) terms, not situational terms
- blindly apply stereotypes to problems; accept all information at face value; make premature judgments
most crucial at this point is to avoid suggesting a solution
- confuse symptoms with causes; differentiate fact from opinion; prematurely judge people and actions
Models & Tools Used Here
This section relies on two models. The first is The step model which is
used when reading a case study. The second is the Ansoffian model
which uses the information generated by the step model to show how
strategy is developed.