Page 53 - The Case Lab Book
P. 53
6What information is missing?
7 How valid is the information presented? Fact or opinion?
This will help make sense of what is after all a complex unstructured
Restructuring of the information is a crucial activity when attempting
to combine facts in ways that create new information. This may be
aided by using a topic or analytic framework: e.g.
1Product/Market Position,
3Financial Position,
5 SWOT. (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats).
Chronology of Events/Share Price Movement
In this example a car after care organisation has seen its growth
increase at variable rates over its ten-plus year history. Given the basic
information on the number of centres that the organisation has
opened each year and the yearly share price movement it is possible to
combine these with other information to build a much clearer picture
of what is going on.
The following shows how the combining of information and its
contextualisation can help give a greater depth of understanding.