Page 2 - Hide and Seek
P. 2

Chapter Seven

                                                                                        life and Godliness.  (II Peter 1:3)  He will become their
                                                                                        supply line, for everything they need in life.
                                                                                        Tell the brokenhearted and disappointed, those who are
                                                                                        hiding because they’ve been cheated and mistreated by the
                                                                                        world, tell them that the word of God never fails.  Every
                                                                                        word and promise God has spoken will surely come to pass.
                                                                                        (I Kings 8:56)  Tell those in captivity, who are prisoners to
                                                                                        defeat and failure, that God can deliver them from the
                                                                                        chains that bind their hands to destruction.

                                                                                        Tell the spiritually blind that what they could not see while
                                                                                        hidden in darkness, awaits them now in the marvelous
                                                                                        light.  Jesus, the true light, has come into the world to
                                                                                        restore their sight.  (John 1:9)

                                                                                        Tell those who have been bruised and battered by the hard-
                                                                                        ships of life, who are hiding their pain and camouflage their
                                                                                        suffering; tell them that liberty has been set before them.

                                                                                        Freedom from the painful issues of life is only one decision
                                                                                        away. If they come out and stop hiding, Jesus will show
                                                                                        them the truth about who they are, they can take off the
                                                                                        mask and walk in the truth, and the truth will make them
                                                                                        free.  Tell them that they are free.

                                                                                        ––Ready or not, here comes God!

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