Page 4 - Hide and Seek
P. 4

Chapter Seven

                                                                                                      hen the “Hide and Seek” game was over, there
                                                                                                      seemed to always be someone who never heard
                                                                                                      the all clear signal, telling them to come in.  As
                                                                                        W  gathered around home-base, we
                                                                                        reviewed the possible whereabouts of the missing person.
                                                                                        Breaking up into small groups, we launched search parties
                                                                                        in every direction to check out the popular neighborhood
                                                                                        hiding places. You could hear the sound of metal trash cans
                                                                                        crashing and dogs barking while we inspected every
                                                                                        conceivable hideout. It was a considerable effort put forth,
                                                                                        just to find one person, and yet God deploys the same
                                                                                        valiant effort to retrieve us from our hiding places in life.

                                                                                        Throughout bible history God has sent search parties to
                                                                                        rescue mankind. He has spared no expense to redeem the
                                                                                        relationship lost in Adam’s fall. Many don’t recognize that
                                                                                        the “Hide and Seek” game is officially over.  Jesus Christ
                                                                                        died to set us free from our sins.  We don’t have to hide in
                                                                                        shame.  We don’t have to live in guilt and defeat.  In His
                                                                                        death, He paid the penalty for sin, so we can come home

                                                                                        This is the good news that our voices poured down the alley
                                                                                        ways of our neighborhood, “come on home, you’re free!”

                                                                                        This is the “gospel” proclaimed by Jesus, nearly two
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