Page 8 - Hide and Seek
P. 8

Chapter Six

                                                                                                 he ministry of Jesus attracted many onlookers.  His

                                                                                                 presence drew an interest from a wide spectrum of
                                                                                                 people.  News would spread, upon His arrival into a
                                                                                                 city and people from miles around would gather
                                                                                        together and follow Him through the streets of the city.  Cu-
                                                                                        riosity seekers, people with incurable diseases, and local re-
                                                                                        ligious leaders made up the faces in the crowded assembly.
                                                                                        Often in that collection were those who were labeled as not
                                                                                        having any religious or moral values.  Such was a man
                                                                                        named “Zacchaeus”. He was a man of small physical stat-
                                                                                        ure; yet known for his deceptive and dishonest dealings as a
                                                                                        tax collector for the Caesar.
                                                                                        The arrival of Jesus was noised throughout Jericho and
                                                                                        Zacchaeus went out to see who He was.  The press moving
                                                                                        through the city streets was too large for Zacchaeus to break
                                                                                        through.  Advancing ahead of the crowd, Zacchaeus climbed
                                                                                        a tree adjacent to the route where Jesus would pass by.
                                                                                        Perched in the branches of the tree, he was comfortable to
                                                                                        watch Jesus as He passed by. On the look-out for anyone
                                                                                        trying to conceal themselves, Jesus spies him; hiding, aloft
                                                                                        in the trees and says to Zacchaeus,“Come down...”.

                                                                                        The command for Zacchaeus to come down was urgent.
                                                                                        “Make haste...”, said Jesus, “for today I must abide at thy

                                                                                        At some point the “Hide and Seek” game must come to an
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