Page 12 - Hide and Seek
P. 12
Chapter Five
Many candidates for ministry have disqualified
themselves fearful that others wont believe them or their
message. Hiding in our wilderness has caused many of us
to lose confidence because we don’t recognize the power of
God inside of us.
In the hand of Moses was a shepherd’s staff. There was
nothing special or spiritual about the staff, it was an
ordinary tool used for herding sheep. God tells Moses to
take the staff and throw it to the ground. When he throws it
down, the staff changes from a lifeless inanimate object, in-
to a live serpent. God can turn ordinary tools into
extraordinary instruments to demonstrate His power
working through them.
“The voice of my Moses takes inventory of himself and is not confident in
what he finds. Scrolling through his list of imperfections
conscience, he sights a speech impediment that he’s had since birth.
All the culture and private education he received in
Pharaoh’s house, had not cured his slow tongue.
sounding more We all have deficiencies that make our self-evaluation less
than adequate. Our conscious awareness of sin, forces us to
like God, was find character faults we don't want to see. God looks
beyond the defects in our character and the weakness in our
stalking me… ” God focused His attention on the architect of man’s
anatomy. With enthusiasm God declares: “Who hath
page 17 made man’s mouth?” (Exodus 4:11) The manufacturer
of man’s body parts would be responsible for repairing or
recalling any mechanical failures in man. Only the maker is
familiar with the details that make us who we are.
Whatever is wrong with us, our maker can set aright. God
can make use of us in whatever condition we are in, dumb,
deaf, or blind. We are all made by Him.
There is no one that God cannot endow with His grace to
overcome their inherent inabilities, to bring glory to the
work that God will place in their hands.
Running out of excuses, Moses asked God to send someone
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