Page 15 - Hide and Seek
P. 15

Chapter One

                                                                                        a ministry so successful, right in their face, they will be sor-
                                                                                        ry they ever asked me to leave. I didn’t realize it then, but I
                                                                                        wanted success to validate God’s anointing upon my life,
                                                                                        and as proof to myself that God’s word was true.

                                                                                        Our fledgling ministry got off to a small, but encouraging
                                                                                        start. The membership never exceeded 50 to 60 adults;
                                                                                        however they became a strong and dedicated group that
                                                                                        would not quit fighting to help us grow and build.

                           “Hiding in our                                               Doors opened for us to hold revival crusades all over, and
                                                                                        God allowed us to see many lives blessed and changed thru
                    wilderness has caused                                               the ministry He had given to us.  We gained some notoriety
                                                                                        because of our exposure on a daily local Christian television
                       many of us to lose                                               program.  I was making new friends and connections with
                                                                                        local and national charismatic leaders.
                   confidence because we

                      don’t recognize the                                               Comfortable, is how I would describe my feelings at that

                    power of God inside of                                              time.  This had to be the place where God would bless us.
                                                                                        How else could those who stood against me be put to
                                                                                        shame? I would not go anywhere else; I needed everyone
                                    us.”                                                judging and watching to see God bless me there in that

                                                                                        When I look back now, I can faintly remember God
                                                                                        prompting me to prepare to move away from that comfort
                                                                                        zone, but I brushed those inclinations to the side.  I would
                                 page 43                                                have never left that city on my own.  God forcibly had to
                                                                                        push me out.  I was ejected, with no where to go.

                                                                                        The ministry started winding down.  We faced tremendous
                                                                                        financial problems from the beginning, but God always
                                                                                        opened a door or window out of nowhere to bring us
                                                                                        through.  Moving from one building to another had given us

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