Page 19 - Hide and Seek
P. 19
Chapter Four
Chapter Two
however, require great exposure. A person’s shoes can tell
much about a person’s life. The residue on the shoe bottoms The Maskerade
provide evidence of where they have traveled. The type of
shoe worn can tell us where a person is going.
God wanted Moses to remove the traces of fear, guilt, and
unbelief that he had walked in for the past 40 years. God
wanted the footprints of hiding to end. Removing his shoes
would bring Moses barefoot and uncovered, with his life
completely exposed before God. We can choose to remove
our shoes and draw nigh unto God, or we can continue a
business as usual relationship with Him. Everyone will
come to a point where God says to us: “you cannot come “Are you really happy here in this
any closer until you uncover everything you have hidden in
the sand.” lonely game we play...were lost in
True worshippers come to God in spirit and in truth.
Total exposure. Weigh the differences and determine if you a masquerade” - George Benson
are satisfied communicating with God from a distance.
It’s your choice. You can see the bush burning from afar,
but if you cannot feel the warmth of the fire, you need to
draw closer and take your shoes off. If the light from the
burning flames has not become a lamp to direct your path-
way, you need to come closer in and take off your shoes.
Why is there so much distance between you and God?
What is it that you don’t want God to see? What are you
hiding? A closer relationship with God, gives Him an
opportunity to examine our heart and our motives.
No one wants their life or deeds to be reviewed.
Examinations bring out truths.
Truth is a subject some of us are ill prepared for. I have a
personal hang up with doctors or dentists. I have nothing
against them professionally. No bad experience that influ-
ences my inhibitions. The truth is, I don’t want to be told
the truth. If their is anything wrong with me, I don’t want
to know about it. Now and then, I have ailments and
complications, but I want to get over them without outside
36 Hide And Seek Hide And Seek 19