Page 17 - Hide and Seek
P. 17
Chapter Four Chapter One
These were the words in the whispers swirling around us.
We had no bridge to carry us back to our denominational
connections, and now we were being forced off the bridge
that would have led us to non-denominational success.
I wanted to jump off the bridge and find a place to hide and
drift away into the background of life.
In 1990 we moved to Denver and I thought I’d found a quiet
corner in life to hide in. An opportunity came along for me
to start a small secular business. It was a neat little hide-a-
way, where I could disguise myself as a small business own-
er with big ideas to steal market share from the
In this disguise I didn’t have to continue my routine
spiritual calisthenics of prayer, and word study every day.
No one would notice my bony spiritual frame, slowly deteri-
orating from spiritual mal-nutrition. I would hide the God-
man that was in me, underneath the strength and success of
the business I was striving to build.
That mask lasted about a year or more. While struggling to
build my own success, it became harder and harder to keep
that mask from falling off my face and revealing the truth I
was trying to escape.
Plan “B” seemed to be an acceptable replacement for what I
was carved out to be. My conscience kept reminding me I
was outside of my niche, but I would avoid my conscience
and look for a new place to hide.
My quiet corner kept getting noisier every day. The voice of
my conscience, sounding more like God, was stalking me.
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