Page 14 - Hide and Seek
P. 14

Chapter One                                                                    Chapter Five

         urgent demand from the Spirit of God to live in obedience
         to Him.

         The same spiritual renewal I had experienced began
         creeping into my ministry, before I knew it, I was laying
         hands on and praying for people. We watched the power of
         God deliver people from great spiritual strongholds cast out
         and people filling up the  altars to get saved and wanting to
         receive the Holy Spirit.

                                                                                                  ne of the dangers of living hidden behind a mask,
                                                                                                  is that you can forget the truth about your own
         This season of ministry went on for almost two years                           O
                                                                                                  identity and loose your ability to see the truth
         increasing in strength as it continued.  One day I received a                            about God.   When we are in hiding we are afraid
         polite invitation from the Board of Deacons to resign my                       to meet God face to face.  Like a child awaiting the admon-
         position as Pastor of that church.   They suggested that                       ishment of a parent many of us are afraid to open our eyes
         I find a new location and start my own “charismatic”                           and see God.  We think that God is angrily waiting to punish
         ministry .                                                                     us for our misbehavior .  When you are expecting a rebuff,
                                                                                        it’s difficult to believe that God is drawing you close to love
                                                                                        and protect you.   It’s hard  for  someone that feels con-
         The committee that approached me made it clear that this                       demned to believe that God will not to reject them.
         type of ministry was not desired in their church.  What I
         was doing was in direct conflict with the doctrine of their                    Our fear of wrath prevents us from receiving what God
         denomination.  I declined their polite offer, which included                   wants to reveal to us.  With our faces so guarded, we are not
         a fair amount of money.  A few months later, on display for                    open to see or hear anything from God.  There are people
         all to see, my services were terminated and I was locked out                   who feel they must protect themselves when they come into
         of the church building.                                                        God’s presence, covering up and closing off sensitive areas
                                                                                        of their life. How unfortunate to be in the presence of the
                                                                                        Almighty and not see your purpose in life or hear Him
                                                                                        speak the words that can shape your destiny.
         Our family absorbed that blow.  We had some close friends
         and members who stood with us.  I did just what those                          Countless numbers of people leave church services and
         Deacons had factiously suggested.   I rented hotel space and                   evangelistic crusades with their faces still covered and they
         started a new ministry a few blocks up the street.                             bare no evidence of being exposed to God’s presence.

         The ministry was a non-denominational church.  I would
         have nothing more to do with that denominational crowd.
         They were un-spiritual.  I’ll show them.  I am going to build                  When God first spoke to Moses, He expressed His concern
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