Page 16 - Hide and Seek
P. 16
Chapter One
Chapter Five
an unstable reputation. A local businessman once gave us a
church building, and then took it back and literally had the Who Am I?
church torn down to build a shopping center. We tried to
buy another church building and the deal fell through.
After several more moves, we began meeting in a
community center. There was no cost to us, but we could
only use the space for an hour and a half on Sunday
mornings. Our small membership was declining, largely
due to the instability of our meeting place. The church was
also my sole source of income to take care of my family.
“… I am the God of thy father...And
As the church membership declined, it became extremely
difficult to maintain the expenses of the ministry and take Moses hid his face for he was
care of my family. On the verge of homelessness and pov-
erty, we met with the leadership of our church, and shared afraid to look upon God. ”
the urgency of the crisis my Family was facing. We needed
financial help for the ministry and housing for our family. Exodus 3:6
No one had enough strength or resources for another rally.
It appeared then, that we had come to an unavoidable im-
passe. After 5 years of building a non-denominational min-
istry, we’d now become an outcast on the charismatic side
of the fence.
We could hear the voices of ridicule saying: “Something
must be wrong with them because their declaration of f
aith did not materialize. We made claims that God would
give us a Church building to call our home, but it did not
happen. God’s anointing on our life was evident, but in the
eyes of judgmental men, we must have failed Him in some
way. The hardship facing us was the spanking paddle God
was using to correct our behavior.
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