Page 20 - Hide and Seek
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Chapter Four
rations inside of them. They have settled for much less than
what God has intended for them.
Moses turned aside to see this great sight. To begin our
journey back to God, we must turn aside from the path that
has led us into hiding. As he approaches, Moses hears
God’s voice, calling him by his name. Here is another
example of God calling out to man to bring him back into
right relationship. Imagine how surprised Moses was.
“People that drop by He was not searching for God, but God was seeking after
him. How did He know I was out here? Doesn’t God know
I’m in hiding?
the doctors office to All the world is God’s neighborhood. In the Psalms, David
says: “Whither shall I go from thy spirit or whither shall I
simply visit with the flee from thy presence?” (Psalm 139:7-11) There is no
place on earth where we can hide and not be found out.
medical staff are never When we played Hide and Seek as children, the boundaries
we set were very important. We did not want people hiding
in places unfamiliar to us. Fair territory was a fixed area we
nervous because they all knew. Hiding from God is impossible because the world
is His neighborhood, and He knows where all the keen hid-
know they will go ing places in life are.
Moses recognizes he’s walked into God’s neighborhood.
home in the same un- God cautions him not to draw any closer, because the
ground that is before him is holy. How could this real es-
examined condition in tate, in the middle of the Sinai wilderness, be holy ground?
God carved out a designated, select portion of this wilder-
ness, and hallowed it. This illustration symbolizes how our
which they came in.” life must be set apart from the other carnal territory around
us. What are the requirements for approaching the warmth
and the light of the burning bush?
page 22
God told Moses to take off his shoes. Absent for 40 years, it
seems strange that the epitome of what God is expecting of
Moses is the removal of his shoes. Moses was not asked to
bring a sacrifice offering nor prove himself by scaling the
mountain where the bush burned. The simple request does
20 Hide And Seek Hide And Seek 35