Page 23 - Hide and Seek
P. 23
Chapter One
I have noticed that some “maskeraders” are prone to
revealing their identity to total strangers more than to
someone they really know. They believe a trained
practitioner that knows nothing about them can help them
with issues they’ve been hiding for a lifetime in a 60 minute
session once a week.
There are people using their kitchen phone to dial-up a
physic hot-line to tell a total stranger about the secrets
“Time will eventually hidden underneath their mask, exposing themselves to the
influence of evil, while paying for bogus advice.
uncover everything that
we have hidden. The church’s reputation can be redeemed if believers
come out of hiding and allow our secret wounds, scars, and
We will soon have to failures to become a testimony to the world around us.
face the failures and de- There are people hiding, waiting for someone to discover
feats we have buried in them; –waiting for those who have the light, to shine it in
the sands of life” the dark places and lead them to healing and forgiveness.
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