Page 26 - Hide and Seek
P. 26
Chapter Three
to keep man aware of His presence in the garden.
God inquired of Adam’s whereabout because Adam was not
at his proper starting place for the day. Hiding from God
forces us out of proper positioning to begin a new day, this
causes us to begin our day without an awareness of His
presence in our life. When we are out of place we are
vulnerable to voices we hear other than God’s, speaking
words that can mislead us and interrupt our fellowship with
“The further we Adam comes out of the shadows of the garden long enough
to explain why he is covered with fig leaves and hiding
among the trees. As if God was not aware of his anatomical
run from His voice, structure, Adam tells God he was hiding because he was
ashamed of his nakedness. God’s response to Adam was:
the deeper into “Who told you that you were naked?”
condemnation the Right away God recognized that the man He created
had engaged in conversation with someone other than
enemy will drag us” his creator. The dialogue between the serpent and the
woman diminished the word God had spoken to Adam.
One conversation with the deceiver has Adam hiding, in-
stead of ruling. Talking to the voice of deception lures us
first into sin and then into hiding. The same voice that
page 30 convinces us to disobey God’s word; condemns us for
listening, and then drives us further away, from God’s voice.
Our ears needs to be attentive to the words God is speaking
into our life. Listening to other voices can lead us to believe
things about God and about yourself that are not true.
We avoid God’s voice calling us, because of the lie that we
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