Page 25 - Hide and Seek
P. 25

Chapter Three
                                                                                                            Chapter Three
         have listened to.  It was a lie that manufactured the
         thoughts in Adam’s mind, that he and his wife could no                                               Hiding
         longer have fellowship with God.
                                                                                                     Amongst The

         When we hear God calling our name, it is evident that He is
         looking for us specifically. He wants to find us.  God wants
         to restore us. If God didn’t care about us, He wouldn’t be                                             Trees
         seeking us.  The further away we run fromHis voice, the
         deeper into condemnation the enemy can drag us.
         The enemy’s goal is to get us so far away from hearing God’s
         voice, that we give up on what we have heard God say about
         us.  One word from God’s mouth can bring life back into our
         relationship with Him.  Upon finding us, He will gently
         guide us to our proper starting position where we can begin
         each day brand new.  Jeremiah’s joy sings a fresh song eve-                           “And Adam and his wife hid
         ryday: “Great is thy faithfulness, morning by morning new
         mercies I see...”(*Lam. 3:23).                                                  themselves … amongst the trees of

         The same deceptions that kept man hiding in the garden are                              the garden.” - Genesis 3:8
         still at work today. Jesus is God’s promise to the genera-
         tions that would follow Adam.  He is the Divine Seed that
         has bruised the head of the serpent which destroyed the
         venom of deception released to poison our thinking today.

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