Page 21 - Hide and Seek
P. 21

Chapter Four                                                                    Chapter Two

         When Moses reached adulthood he felt compelled to find
         his true heritage.  Instinctively he was drawn out of the
         house of Pharaoh to the land where his Hebrew brothers
         dwelt.  No matter how hidden away we are in life, there is
         an intuitive calling inside of us to uncover the truth about
         who we are.

         As Moses journeyed into the unfamiliar surroundings out-
         side of Pharaoh’s house he encountered a dispute between
         an Egyptian and a Hebrew.  In defense of the Hebrew, Mo-
         ses intervenes by killing the Egyptian, and then hides the
         dead body in the sand.                                                                  ife for many of us has become a series of

                                                                                                 “maskerade” parties.  We carry with us a collection
         Time will eventually uncover everything that we have                           L
         hidden.  We will soon have to face the failures and defeats                             of masks that will fit the theme and occasion of the
         we have buried in the sands of life.  Moses’ failed attempt to                          party we are attending.
         correct the injustice between Hebrews and Egyptians was
         discovered.  Moses flees into the desert, trying to leave his
         failure buried deep beneath the sand.                                          There are so many places to hide and so much truth to hide
                                                                                        from.  Hidden agendas have become the norm, disclosure
         Christians and non-Christians today,  have fled to the
         wilderness to escape the negative realities in their life.                     would be an affront to most people.  Knowing that someone
         While they are in hiding, their purpose in life remains                        else was in hiding made me feel comfortable with the things
         unfulfilled.  The sands have become a graveyard populated,                     I was covering.  Few people are open to exposure or to
         not only with the buried failures of mankind, but also the                     revealing their true motives and identity.
         lost visions and purposes of those who have become no-
         mads roaming the deserts of life.
                                                                                        Sometimes we feel threatened by a person who exposes
         After 40 years of exile, tending to his father-in-law’s sheep,                 their raw, unpretentious self.  We begin to feel the guilt and
         God set a bush on fire at the base of Mt. Horeb.  When men                     shame of the stories we are hiding and the self-truth we
         run from God and from their purpose in life, God will bring                    cannot face.  We say, “how dare them to tell me the truth
         His mountain into the wilderness where they are hiding.                        about who they are; to share their weaknesses and fail-
         Moses accepted an occupation given to him because of his                       ures...put your mask back on!”  How dare you make me feel
         circumstances.                                                                 uncomfortable about the mask I am wearing.  If others will
                                                                                        not hide along with us, it makes this game difficult to play.

                                                                                        The rules require that everyone keep their mask in place
                                                                                        during the course of the game.
         Being a shepherd was not his aspiration in life.  Many peo-
         ple are hiding out in careers and assignments they are not                     Avoid the places where you know they don’t where a mask.
         happy with, instead of pursuing after the dreams and inspi-
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