Page 27 - Hide and Seek
P. 27
Chapter Three Chapter Three
Our physical covering is a sign of our imperfection. When
Adam’s eyes were opened to his imperfection he sewed to-
gether fig leaves, as an apron to hide himself from God.
We can never totally cover up our sin. The apron still left
areas of their body exposed. Aprons are like the masks we
use to hide from ourselves and others around us and from
God, but they are only a partial covering. The Bible
mentions something most readers would overlook; they hid dam, where art thou? This is God’s question for
themselves amongst the trees (Genesis 3:8). The leaves A
the man He created quoted from Genesis 3:9.
were not a sufficient covering, so together, they tried to Remove Adam and insert your name. Man began
blend in with the garden surroundings. the game of hide and seek in the garden, and many
are still in hiding today. Why are we hiding? When Adam
and Eve discovered their nakedness, they were ashamed.
Eventually the charade becomes more than we can handle, When they saw the truth about themselves, they were
the mask of fig leaves is increasingly becoming inadequate ashamed of their disobedience. They never saw anything
for covering the growing sin and problem issues in our life. shameful about their inherent nakedness until after they
The only resolve is to find a permanent place to hide out sinned.
among the fruit trees in the church, the last place they
expect exposure. They think no one will ever notice their
problems or weakness if they hang around the right kind of We are born naked as Adam was created naked. For nine
trees. Their shame will be covered up by the spiritual fruit months in the womb, we survive and enjoy our nakedness.
others around them have produced. Once outside the womb, the world shrouds us with clothing
to cover our nakedness.
The day of “where art thou?” is coming; the day of personal
accountability. The voice of God will come demanding to Human nakedness reminds us where we have come from.
speak to us face to face. God’s voice will flush you out of When Eve saw Adam’s nakedness, it reminded her of where
hiding. He will call each tree forward by name, –Adam, she came from. She came from Adam. When Adam’s eyes
where art thou? were opened to his nakedness, it reminded him that he
came from God. Nakedness is a symbolic reminder that God
is man’s creator. Naked and bare, we come into this world,
God spoke regularly with Adam, at a set time each evening with anything but the life of God breathing in us. We cover
in the garden. Evening time was the beginning of a new ourselves for shame of not living in the purity of obedience
day. God would visit with man at the start of each new day we were created in.
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