Page 7 - Hide and Seek
P. 7
Chapter Six
end. Those who remain in hiding must turn themselves in.
In the summer we could play, sometimes until nine p.m.,
before the sunlight evaporated into the closing hour of Uncovering is a very uncomfortable subject.
nightfall. Like removing an old band-aid, that has melted
around the edges, into your skin; taking off the
In those last few moments of twilight, you could hear
our voices in sing song echoing throughout our entire mask that hides our true identity, can be painful
neighborhood, “Come out, come out wherever you are”. and unpleasant. You may find, as you are reading,
The song was the signal for all those still hiding to come some open wounds that have not yet healed; or
in without penalty; but, they would have to hurry. perhaps you will discover that the wounds you were
hiding from have healed with time, but a scar re-
With only a few moments of light left, no one wanted to
risk finding their way back to home-base after it turned mains, as a reminder of the sensitive areas, in your
dark. The darker it is outside, the more difficult the life.
journey is back to home-base.
I hope that all readers will use this writing as a tool,
Jesus declared to Zacchaeus , that salvation had come to his to unlock the hidden treasures inside of you, and to
house. There is a day of visitation for every house in God’s spread the wealth of your
neighborhood, –which is all the earth. God’s song can be
heard up and down every neighborhood of life. discovery to others around you.
God calls to all men while it is yet daylight, to allow us to I’ll keep writing as long as there is “Something To
make it back to home-base without penalty. It was still
daylight for Zacchaeus, when Jesus spoke to him. To avoid Say.”
coming home to God, in the dark, we must quickly heed His
Home-base is where the game began. The garden in Eden is Pastor Del
home-base to humanity. In the garden initiated God’s
relationship with man. We can live an entire lifetime,
striving to get back to our home-base while we search for P.S. Special thanks to my mother
purpose and meaning in life.
Mrs. La Quilla Phillips for proofreading, and the
Jesus invited himself to the house of Zacchaeus’ to show
him how to come out of hiding and restore his relationship mother daughter team of Doris G. Nambé and
with God. The same invitation is extended to anyone that is Michelle F. Nambé for their editorial input just be-
ready to come down from the tree tops in life and receive fore going to press.
the Lord today.
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