Page 3 - Hide and Seek
P. 3
Chapter Seven
thousand years ago. In His first sermon, He quoted from
the book of Isaiah: “The spirit of the Lord is upon me,
because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the
poor...”(Luke 4:18). The word gospel originates from a term
that refers to the reward given to someone for bringing
“good news”. Kings and Noblemen would handsomely
reward the bearer of good news regarding their personal
affairs. The practice became so common that good news
about any life issue was labeled as the “gospel”.
The voice of good news is a welcomed sound by all of us.
Good news fills the air with excitement and assurance.
No one would ever come out of hiding if they heard the
voice of condemnation hunting them down. Those who are
weary from the cover-up and pretending, are anxiously
awaiting to hear an invitation to freedom.
To all the people that told me to be
To all the p eo ple that told me to be
One challenge we have in organized religion, is that, the lost
very seldom hear our message. We are shouting at them myself …
from home-base, but they are living on the outer perimeters
of life, and can’t hear clearly what we are saying.
Sometimes the church doesn’t recognize that we are
shouting at the lost from a distance. If we have to raise our
voice so loud, perhaps we are too far away from the real life
issues and needs of those we are trying to reach. To have
any success, we must leave the comfort zone of home-base
and extend our reach to the common, popular places where
people like to hide.
The lost should hear the church coming. They should be
bracing themselves, and tightening up for the oncoming
Impact; and then relax when they hear our message:
“come home, in your present condition, just as you are; lost,
abandoned, strung out, worn out, burned out, sold out, out
of bounds, out of touch and out of breath from running,––
come home free.”
Tell the poor and impoverished the good news, that God
sees them hidden underneath their poverty. Tell them that
God has promised to give them all things that pertain unto
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