Page 27 - sustainable tourism-- Dr.Aya
P. 27

4/      WHY          IS       SUSTAINABILITY


                                     Sustainability  is  important  for  number  of

                                    reasons. Sustainability approach would enable

                                    companies to mitigate impact on environment,

                                    which is important to maintain equilibrium in

                                    the  world.  It  is  also  important  to  reduce

                                    emissions and also minimize climate changes.

                                    It would enable to contribute meaningfully to

                                    the  society  as  well  as  build  up  positive

                                    relationship with communities.

                                    Sustainability  approach  would  also  enable  to

                                    build  a  unique  competitive  advantage  for  the

                                    firms.  It  would  enable  to  create  a  stronger

                                    bond with employees and stakeholders as well.

                                    It  enables  optimizing  the  utilization  of

                                    resources  as  well  as  reduces  impact  of

                                    operations  on  nearby  areas.  Hotel  Energy

                                    Solutions (2013): ―In a world looking for new

                                    models of economic growth and development,

                                    fighting  climate  change  and  adopting

                                    sustainable management practices is no longer

                                    an  option,  but  a  condition  for  survival  and


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