Page 48 - Guardian Broker Questionnaire Summary Complete Package 2 2 22_Neat
P. 48
Guardian Place Broker Questionnaire
United Methodist Family Services
Page 4
9) Timing-how long to market and find buyer if priced to sell.
• It will take our team approximately two weeks to prep the offering
memorandum, schedule photography, and tour the asset
• Approximately 40-day marketing process which includes best and final
• Conventional closing timeframe is ~75-90 days.
10) Fee/commission structure-
• Discussion point: Our group is working through a few fee scenarios.
However, we take pride in the execution of the transaction for our
client, and we prefer to have a discussion around your thoughts
regarding fee structures.
11) Communication is critical with this ownership. Please note how often you intend to
provide activity and market updates.
• Our team will provide a formal weekly marketing update and a bi-weekly
call (If ownership is willing). We like to keep the communication fluid and
transparent through the process.