Page 50 - Guardian Broker Questionnaire Summary Complete Package 2 2 22_Neat
P. 50

Guardian Place I & II


      CBRE © 2022 All Rights Reserved. All information included in this   Important Warning - Material Uncertainty from Novel Coronavirus
      letter/proposal pertaining to CBRE—including but not limited to its   The outbreak of the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), declared by the
      operations, employees, technology and clients—are proprietary and   World Health Organization as a “Global Pandemic” on March 11, 2020,
      confidential, and are supplied with the understanding that they will   is causing heightened uncertainty in both local and global market
      be held in confidence and not disclosed to third parties without the   conditions. Global financial markets have seen steep declines since
      prior written consent of CBRE. This letter/proposal is intended solely   late February largely on the back of the pandemic over concerns of
      as a preliminary expression of general intentions and is to be used   trade disruptions and falling demand. Many countries globally have
      for discussion purposes only. The parties intend that neither shall   implemented strict travel restrictions and a range of quarantine and
      have any contractual obligations to the other with respect to the   “social distancing” measures.
      matters referred herein unless and until a definitive agreement has
      been fully executed and delivered by the parties. The parties agree   Market activity is being impacted in most sectors, and the current
      that this letter/proposal is not intended to create any agreement or   response to COVID-19 means that we are faced with an unprecedented
      obligation by either party to negotiate a definitive lease/purchase and   set of circumstances on which to base a judgment. As of the date of
      sale agreement and imposes no duty whatsoever on either party to   the broker’s price opinion, we believe that comparable transactions
      continue negotiations, including without limitation any obligation to   occurring before this time are likely to be less reliable for purposes of
      negotiate in good faith or in any way other than at arm’s length.  Prior   determining the price of this property.
      to delivery of a definitive executed agreement, and without any liability   The uncertainty around COVID-19 is having a direct impact on the
      to the other party, either party may (1) propose different terms from   multifamily real estate market, particularly the affordable housing
      those summarized herein, (2) enter into negotiations with other parties   sector, and its full impact is unknown and will largely depend on
      and/or (3) unilaterally terminate all negotiations with the other party   both the scale and longevity of the pandemic. While we have taken
      hereto.                                                  reasonable steps to estimate the effect of COVID-19 on the property,
      This valuation analysis or broker opinion of value is not an appraisal   due to the significant uncertainty in the economy, capital markets and
      and has not been performed in accordance with the Uniform Standards   the rapid unfolding of these events, it is difficult to quantify and assess
      of Professional Appraisal Practice. This analysis is not to be construed   the impact that the pandemic has had and will have on the value of the
      as an appraisal and may not be used as such for any such purpose.   property. Consequently, the broker’s price opinion is subject to much
      Neither you, nor any third parties, may rely on this analysis for any tax   more uncertainty, and a higher degree of caution should be exercised
      purposes, estate work, litigation, lending or any other matter other than   than would normally be the case. Values may change more rapidly
      your direct use in connection with a contemplated transaction.  and significantly than during standard market conditions. Given the
                                                               unknown future impact that COVID-19 might have on the real estate
                                                               market, we recommend that you frequently re-assess the value of this

      ©2022 CBRE, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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