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//Situation Report 31
home if they are sick, be aware about respiratory etiquette,
These next two pages of the Situation Report contain provide customers and the public with tissues and trash
an overview of the recommended infectious diseases receptacles, flexible worksites and workhours, discourage
preventive measures for food providers and processors. use of shared work tools and equipment and maintain regular
housekeeping practices strictly;
Ensuring food safety iii. Identify and isolate sick people promptly.
Identification and isolation of potentially infected individuals
in the seafood sector is a critical step, after which they should be encouraged to
self-monitor for symptoms of the disease;
According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (USFDA), iv. Implement and communicate about factory
there is no evidence suggesting that food products and food protection protocols. This includes actively encouraging
packaging are associated with transmission and spread of sick employees (including temporary staff) to stay at home,
Covid-19. The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) also and provide adequate, usable and appropriate training on
confirms that there is no evidence that food is the source or workers’ health and safety including proper hygiene practices
transmission route of the coronavirus. Nevertheless, seafood including PPE;
processors should develop infectious disease preparedness
and response plans that will enable them to take preventive v. Implement engineering and administrative factory
measures against diseases like Covid-19. controls. Engineering controls involve isolating employees
from work-related hazards. Administrative controls are
This should be done throughout the seafood supply chain, changes in work policy or procedures to reduce or minimise
which stretches from harvesting (fishing vessels/farms), exposure to hazard;
through landing, processing, distribution, retail and food
services, and consumers. Personal hygiene and handwashing vi. Safe work practices. This involves providing resources
is mandatory under HACCP guidelines at every stage, more so and a work environment that promotes personal hygiene,
during a pandemic. Meanwhile, HACCP, cGMP and ISO 22000 requiring regular handwashing or using alcohol-based hand
certifications generally ensure the basic fitness of workers sanitisers, and post hand washing signs in restrooms.
and food safety protocols in factories, while re-evaluation Maintaining a high level of personal hygiene includes keeping
of ongoing food safety programmes that address personal the hands and nails clean, nails short and free of nail varnish
hygiene and respiratory etiquette is necessary to prevent and not using excessive perfume. Handwashing is important
Covid-19 transmission which can cause increased rate of in the following cases:
workers’ absenteeism; change in business patterns; and
interrupted supply/delivery.
• After handling raw product
Preventive measures to ensure safe • After coughing, sneezing or using a handkerchief
workplaces • If you were in contact with someone who has a fever or
respiratory symptoms (cough, shortness of breath, difficulty
Seafood processors should develop the following: breathing)
i. A Preparedness and Response Plan to prevent • After using tobacco, vaping, eating or drinking
infectious diseases like Covid-19 if one does not already exist.
The Plan should consider and address the level of risk linked • After touching face or hair
with the workplaces. It may include where, how, and to what
sources they might be exposed, the home and community • After handling waste
situation, individual health risks and controls necessary to • After using the toilet facilities
address the risk;
• After handling soiled equipments and utensils
ii. Implement basic infection preventive measures. As
appropriate, all seafood processors should implement good • Before and after preparing food
hygiene and infection control practices. It includes frequent
and thorough hand washing, encourage employees to stay at • When changing from one task to another
INFOFISH International 3/2020 ●