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32 Situation Report//

          Respiratory etiquette:                               prevent foodborne illness: Clean- Wash hands and surfaces
                                                               often,  Separate-  Separate  raw  meat  from  other  foods;
          •  Maintain 1 metre distance between yourself and anyone    Cook- Cook to the right temperature, Chill- Refrigerate food
            who is coughing or sneezing                        promptly;

          •  Avoid touching mouth, nose and eyes               •  Restaurants and supermarkets can offer special discounts
                                                                 for online orders and home deliveries;
          •  Cover nose and mouth with  a tissue when sneezing or
            coughing                                           •  It is safe to eat fish & shellfish cooked at a minimum internal
                                                                 temperature of 145°F (62.8°C);
          •  Put used tissue in a covered bin
                                                               •  For  packet  or  canned  seafood  use  a  “sterile  technique”
          •  If no tissue is available use flexed elbow instead of hands      before stocking in your house;
            while sneezing or coughing
                                                               •  There  should  be  global  and  regional  monitoring  of  fake
          vii.    Ensure  Personal  Protection  Equipments  (PPE).     news in social media propagated  against seafood in other
          All types of PPE must be available and selected to suit the     media.
          potential hazard, be properly fitted and periodically refitted
          as  applicable  (e.g.  respirators).  Also  to  be  consistently  and   Conclusion
          properly worn when required, regularly inspected, maintained
          and replaced as necessary and properly removed, cleaned,
          and stored or disposed of to avoid contamination.    Handwashing, personal hygiene, social distancing, identifying
                                                               persons  who  may  be  affected,  and  testing  can  prevent
          viii.   Restrict employees going abroad or on international   human-to-human  transmission  of  infectious  diseases
          tours. During the infectious disease outbreak, travel into or   like  Covid-19.  Nevertheless,  these  measures  are  actually
          out of a country may not be medically advisable.     short term remedies. Greater emphasis should be given to
                                                               increasing supplier diversity, formulating a contingency plan
          Some takeaway points                                 for  production,  having  an  expanded  emergency  plan;  and
                                                               long-term  risk  assessments  and  awareness  programmes.
                                                               Moreover, a comprehensive ICT-based platform can be set up
          •  Fishing vessel and farm owners should follow the quarantine   for the exchange of marketing and distribution information, as
          and biosecurity measures respectively during an  infectious   well as implementation of an Electronic Catch Documentation
          disease outbreak, to continue their production;
                                                               Scheme (eCDS) to  minimise the huge losses  in the seafood
          •  Processors network with a lot of people, and are thus in   sector and to ensure food safety as well.
          the position to ensure that they practise handwashing and
          personal hygiene by themselves and encourage others;  References

          •  There  should  be  strong  coordination  between  the   1.
          production and distribution stages in order to manage the     yourself.html#social-distancing
          inventory/SKU  successfully  without    shortfalls  or  excessive
          supply;                                              2.
          •  Retailers  and  wholesalers  should  be  aware  about  the
          guidelines  provided  by  the  regulatory  authorities  during   3.
          an infectious disease outbreak so that they can inform the     from-the-coronavirus-outbreak-for-the-food-industry/
          consumers accordingly;
          •  Seafood  processors,  distributors,  retailers,  and  food     emergencies/food-safety-and-coronavirus-disease-2019-
          service and allied industries can carry on their business while     covid-19
          maintaining social distance, and taking necessary precautions
          for community continuity and community resilience;   5.
          •  At every step of seafood handling, cooking and preparation,
          consumers should follow the guidelines to keep food safe and   6.

                                                                             INFOFISH International 3/2020 ●
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