Page 23 - Manzoor Momand_S812208009
P. 23
understand the approach that will be taken and how the materials will be used to
facilitate learning.
e) Learner profile: The introduction should also provide a profile of the target learner,
including their age range, educational background, and language proficiency level.
This will help learners understand who the materials are designed for and how they
can best use them to achieve their goals.
f) The introduction should be clear, concise, and engaging. It should be written in a
way that is accessible to the target learners and should be reviewed regularly to
ensure that it remains relevant and up-to-date. The introduction should also be
used as a tool for orientation and motivation, helping learners understand the value
of the materials and how they can use them to achieve their language learning
goals.Aspects/Rated Components:
2. Aspects / Rated components:
The aspects or rated components of language learning materials refer to the
various factors that contribute to their effectiveness in facilitating language
learning. Here are some key aspects to consider when assessing language
learning materials:
a. Material/content:
The material/content of language learning materials refers to the topics covered
and the accuracy, relevance, and authenticity of the language used. Materials
should be appropriate for the level and needs of the learners, and should be
engaging and interesting to encourage participation and motivate learning.
b. Presentation:
The presentation of language learning materials refers to the design, layout, and
overall appearance of the materials. Materials should be well-organized and easy
to navigate, with clear headings, subheadings, and sections. Visual aids such as
graphics, images, and videos should be used appropriately to enhance
understanding and engagement.
c. Readability: