Page 27 - QMSConnectionsMagazine-2020-21-digital
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model is a departure for QMS, classrooms, expanded areas for sheltered area, and the design
but a timely one,” clarifies the arts, innovative design and allows for a safe environment
Natalia. “We constantly see learning spaces and community for our Equine Facilitated
the deeper benefits to an all- gathering areas. All welcome Leadership Development
around holistic care model. It changes at a time when (EFLD) Program to execute
will better prepare them for physical distancing is of utmost learning opportunities for all
university, provide them with importance for our community’s QMS students.
life skills to be self-sufficient and ongoing health and safety. As our world continues to
Though the global pandemic change every day, we will
delayed the completion of persist in assessing additional
this building to the spring of exciting changes to QMS’s
2021, QMS pivoted to ensure educational and physical
the installation of several landscape, in our effort to
new state-of-the-art portable successfully evolve and grow.
classrooms. They will provide in assessing additional exciting
more room for both our Junior changes to QMS’s educational
and Senior School classes. and physical landscape, in our
become engaged members of Many of these bright, airy units effort to successfully evolve and
the community. With a smaller have their own washrooms and grow.
boarding population re-starting sinks, and large windows that
in September this year due to face towards our enchanted
COVID-19, international study forest and Equestrian Centre.
permit challenges and boarder Early Childhood Education “
Another exciting project
“I’m excited about giving families
restrictions, it provides us this summer was the and students the opportunity
with a unique opportunity. We completion of a brand new
now have time to transition to experience Canada and our
smoothly with a new team Centre for our Preschool community.”
into a newly built supportive and Junior Kindergarten
framework and new model that programs, complete with
is guided by unprecedented a new playground. “This
health restrictions.” building opening this fall will
The growth in the number of be a positive way for us to
students wanting to attend begin a new school year after
QMS has also meant the a strange end to the previous
need for additional campus one,” admits Natalia.
facilities. When visitors step For our Equestrian Program
onto our campus, the largest coaches and teachers, the
visual change is the ongoing dream of a round pen will also
construction of Phase II of be realized this fall. Located
The Learning Centre. This behind the Equestrian Office,
building features over 18,000 this open air round pen will
square feet of additional provide athletes and trainers
open concept educational the ability to lunge horses in a