Page 29 - QMSConnectionsMagazine-2020-21-digital
P. 29

Debbie Roslinsky (Mathews)    Cassandra Priest &    Carson Nuttall (‘09)   Jelly Pei  (‘13) graduated from
                 at  Spruce Meadows         Elise Shorting (‘02)     with Martina Blake  the University of Florida

               Lya Gutierrez McCrea (2004–2006)  Ruochen (Jelly) Pei (‘13) graduated   Emma Benson (‘14) is excited
               graduated with a degree in     from the University of Florida   to continue her post-secondary
               international relations in Mexico,   (virtually!) with her Bachelor of   learning. She has been accepted
               then women’s studies at Concordia  Science in Telecommunications   into a one year Bachelor’s program
               University in Canada. She is   and has been accepted into the   in Professional Communication
               married to a handsome Canadian,   Imperial College Business School in   at Royal Roads University starting
               has a baby and runs her own    London. She’s very excited to begin   this September. Upon completion,
               content marketing and translation   her Master’s Degree in Science,   she intends to directly pursue
               service in Montreal.           Innovation, Entrepreneurship and   her Masters in Professional
                                              Management in September 2020.    Communications at RRU in 2021.
               Barbara Cole Walton (‘05) married
               Jonathon Swinard on December 9,   Alexandra Barnes (2009–2013)   Ethan Milne (2013–2014) is living
               2019 in Glasgow, Scotland.     dropped by the QMS campus to     in Langford and working at the
                                              reconnect with faculty and staff   Juan de Fuca Recreation Centre as
               Chelsea Froese (Nunweiler, ‘09)   in March 2020. After graduating   a life guard and aquafit instructor.
               dropped by the QMS Admissions   from high school in Bermuda,    He invites you take a class with
               booth at the Chilliwack Mane Event  Alex is pursuing English literature   him! He has been accepted into
               to say hello to Carol Newington.  and medieval studies at McGill   the electrical trades program at
                                              University in Montreal. She      Camosun College in September
               Carson Nuttall (‘09) visited QMS   expects to graduate in 2021.  2020.
               on Orientation Day 2019 and
               Remembrance Day to reconnect   Elizabeth Duke (‘13) graduated   Patricia Masur (‘14) After
               with staff and express his gratitude  from the law program at the   graduation, Patricia completed
               for a wonderful high school    University of Alberta in April 2020.  an Honours History and Political
               experience. He is now a vehicle                                 Science degree from Dalhousie,
               tech for the Canadian Armed    Erin (Liping) Hu (‘13) graduated   where she graduated with
               Forces, stationed in Edmonton.  from the University of Toronto   distinction. Following this she
                                              with her degree in statistics. She is   accepted a placement with the
               ShuTing Chang (‘11) received her   now a certified wedding planner in   esteemed BC Legislative Internship
               Master’s Degree in Supply Chain   Toronto.                      program. Patricia has been offered
               Management at HEC Montreal.                                     full funding to Balsillie School of
               Previous to attaining her masters,   Laurie (Haiyuan) Wang (‘13)   International Affairs to complete
               ShuTing worked at the Clinical   graduated from the University   the Master of International
               Research Institute, conducting   of Toronto in 2018 and is now   Policy program and has also been
               studies on pharmaceutical drugs.  working for ManuLife in Toronto.  accepted to a combined JD/MA
                                                                               program with the Norman Paterson
               Kate Scurr (‘12) reconnected with                               School of International Affairs and
               QMS at the Victoria Alumni event                                University of Ottawa Law School.
               in October 2019 and is currently a
               navigation officer for the Canadian
               Coast Guard.

                Alex Barnes (2009-2013)
                with Susan Cruikshank &   Sayaka Kashiwa (‘15)   Emma Benson (‘14) on Redford   Sayaka Kashiwa (‘15) with
                Fiona Morrison      with Roddy Craig  in Maple Ridge, BC             Boarding Life staff and students

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