Page 30 - QMSConnectionsMagazine-2020-21-digital
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Angela Andersen           Zaida Quintana and Valentina Juarez (2017-2018)   Maggie Liu (‘17) surprised
                with Alice Young (‘14)    visited QMS                                  Liz Tarkowski with a visit

               Alice Young (‘14) dropped in to say   Zaida Quintana (2017–2018) and   Ana Maria Matas (2018–2019)
               hello to staff and faculty during   Valentina Juarez (2017–2018)   during our Admissions’ recruitment
               her brief stop on Vancouver Island.   made QMS a tour stop during their   tours of Mexico this past year, Ana
               Alice is currently studying for her   summer vacation in the summer   visited with the team and let them
               Master’s in Astrophysics in Munich,   of 2019. Students and staff were   know she is well.
               Germany but still calls the west   thrilled to welcome the girls back
               coast, and QMS, home.           to campus.                       STAFF
               Sayaka Kashiwa (‘15) is studying   Maggi Liu (‘17) dropped by for a   Jodine Buydens (Equestrian
               sociology at the University of   surprise visit to QMS in February.   Program Director) achieved her
               Toronto.                        She is in her third year of studies   dual certification as an Equine
                                               at the University of Toronto where   Facilitated Learning Professional
               Kelsey Towe (‘15) is planning on   she is majoring in humanities.  & Equine Professional through
               joining the military in 2021 and in                              the Professional Association for
               November 2020 she is putting on   Murphy (Ziyi) Zhang (‘17) is in   Equine Facilitated Wellness. Jodine
               a photo exhibition at Just Jakes in   her third year of studies at the   completed her training with the
               Duncan. The theme is entitled Into   University of Toronto, majoring in   amazing team at Generation
               the Forest. Also, she plans to run in   philosophy.              Farms.
               an ultra-marathon in August 2021.
                                               Alexis Elliott (‘18) dropped by   EMPLOYEE MILESTONES
               Angela (Anyi) Wang (‘16) will be   the Victoria Alumni Reception in   20 Years
               graduating from the University   Victoria in October 2019 to say
               of Waterloo in December 2020    hello. She visits QMS frequently   Carol Ingledew (Senior Faculty)
               with her degree in mathematics.   and is in her second year of   Dean Schneider (Junior Faculty)
               She is currently working for the   academics studies at the University   Angela Andersen (Senior/Junior
               ScotiaBank.                     of Victoria.                     Faculty)

               Andrea Aviles (White, 2016–2017)   Alexandra Johnston (‘18) former   10 Years
               During her family’s visit to Canada,   Deputy Head Girl is now pursuing   Hayley Picard (Director of
               Andrea dropped by campus during   studies in creative writing at the   Communications & Marketing)
               the summer of 2019 to say hello.  University of Victoria. She stays   Karen Webber (Director of
                                               in close contact with several
               Julia Sofia Barquin Padilla     classmates.                      Finance)
                                                                                Jaclyn Harrison (Junior Faculty)
               (2016–2017) and Renata Gutierrez                                 Nicole Lorusso (Senior Faculty)
               Cantu (2017–2018) volunteered   Taylor Kropp (‘18) is currently   Tracey McDill (School Nurse)
               as translators for our Admissions   in her second year of studies in   Alison O’Marra-Armstrong
               Team during recruitment efforts in   geography at the University of   (Director of Academics)
               Mexico in February 2020. Both girls   Victoria.
               are doing well and were happy to
               assist QMS.

                                      Andrea Aviles (White
                 Josh Sandford, Matt Sager   2016-207) dropped by
                 & Chase Styles at Matt’s   QMS during the summer   Sofia Barquin, Natalia Stewart &   Ana Maria Matas   Kyra Westlake at
                 wedding              of 2019           Renata Gutierrez  in Mexico   2018 - 2019  Spruce Meadows

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