Page 28 - QMSConnectionsMagazine-2020-21-digital
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                WHERE ARE

                THEY NOW?

               Wendy Smith (Denny, ‘48) is      Karin Rasmussen (1973–1974)     Cecilia Tong (‘90) enjoyed visiting
               retired and lives in Victoria. She   lives and works in Toronto as a   the QMS campus and reconnecting
               kept busy volunteering with cancer   lawyer with the Attorney General   with staff. She currently lives in
               patients as part of the hospital   of Ontario (over 20 years in   Hong Kong with her husband and
               auxiliary in Victoria. Wendy is an   February 2020). She keeps active   loves travelling with friends.
               active donor of memorabilia and   with her daughter who loves
               photos to our QMS Archives.      visiting QMS, specially the horses!  Ya-Ting (Tina) Lee (‘93) after her
                                                                                wonderful experiences at QMS,
               Rosemary Hawthorne (Hooper,      Kathy Hogarth (‘74) dropped by   Ya-Ting moved to the states. She
               ‘49) lives in Victoria and enjoys   the QMS Admissions table during   obtained her bachelor’s degree
               getting together with old friends.  Spruce Meadows to say hello.  from Colorado State University
                                                                                and then her master’s degree.
               Dola Boas (Mitchell, ‘59) After   Gillian Charpentier (Lawrence,   Currently she is working as an
               seven years on the QMS Board of   1975–1978) has been visiting   oncology research coordinator at
               Governors (2012-2019), Dola has   Nanaimo, BC at least twice a   the MD Anderson Cancer Center in
               stepped back to retire and move to   month during a challenging year   Colorado.
               Victoria with her husband Charley.  with family. One of her nephew’s
                                                had a baby girl in January 2020 in   Lauren Masterson-Rodriguez
               Alison Siegfried (Leeming, ‘67)   Squamish, BC.                  (1999–2001) married Troy
               “Since graduation in 1967 my life                                Heumphreus on October 11, 2019
               has been very full. I have a family   Cori Flanagan (‘77) visited the   in St. Louis, MO, USA. The couple
               with a grandson and currently    QMS Admissions table at Spruce   now lives in Switzerland.
               live in Victoria, BC. I’m enjoying   Meadows with sisters in tow to
               working part-time after retiring   make it a family reunion. Joining   Maria del Mar Gutierrez Lizaur
               from electrical design at BC Hydro.   Cori were sisters Kelly (1976-1977)   (2001–2002) lives and works
               QMS gave me the very best start   and Colleen (1976-1977).       in Mexico as the Head of
               in life, I relied on the values they                             Sustainability for a wheat flour
               taught me over and over during   Yolanda Ballesteross (1975–1978)   company. “I´d love to be in touch
               my 70 years. All the best to you   is a professor living in Tohuca,   and reconnect with QMS. I have
               current and past students.”      Mexico.                         fond memories of my time there
                                                                                and my teachers - Ms. Hallam, Ms.
               Debbie Roslinsky (Mathews,       Neilane Mayhew (1984–1986) is   Andersen, Ms. Finnegan and so
               1968–1971) was happy to say      currently the Deputy Minister of   many more.”
               hello to the QMS Admissions      Mental Health for the province of
               team during the Spruce Meadows   British Columbia.               Cassandra Priest (‘02) and Elise
               Masters in September 2019.                                       Shorting (‘02) dropped by our
                                                                                Admissions booth in Calgary at
                                                                                Spruce Meadows Masters to say
                                                                                hello to Carol Newington.

                                                       Kelle, Colleen &
                                                       Cori Flanagan at                     Elizabeth Duke (‘13)
                Alison Siegfried Class (‘67)  Kathy Hogarth (‘74)  Spruce Meadows  Cecilia Tong (‘90)  is a law graduate!

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