Page 4 - GP FALL 2009
P. 4

From The President

        by Janice K. Pliszczak, DDS, MS, MBA, MAGD             the NYSAGD Board of Trustees at the Fellows/Masters
                                                               reception and the President’s dinner dance. They all invit-
                       A     GD membership reminds me of a     ed and encouraged me to become a member of the Board
                                                               and  start  a  Mastertrack  Program.  Over  the  ensuing
                             recent MasterCard commercial:
                                                               years, I have learned a great deal from them on both pro-
                                                               fessional and personal basis. Through my board involve-
                       NYSAGD  continuing  education  courses:  ment, I have had the opportunity to interact with many of
                       $50 - $950.                             the top speakers, an opportunity I would otherwise not
                       AGD  dues:  $447  (and  even  less  for  have had. If you are interested in these kinds of opportu-
                       students, residents and recent graduates).  nities, I encourage you to become involved in the AGD.
        Value of AGD membership: PRICELESS.                       As  a  shopper  and  a  member  of  the  Group  Benefits
                                                               Council, I have to mention the savings and the benefits
           When I first joined the AGD during my residency, my  that the membership can provide. As I previously men-
        main reasons were to receive credit for the GPR toward  tioned,  members  get  a  10%  discount  with  Dentist’s
        fellowship and for the discount on malpractice insurance.  Advantage malpractice insurance by just being an AGD
        I’m a savvy shopper, so I was very interested in pursuing  member. The discount further increases as one becomes
        mastership from early on in order to receive 20% off my  a Fellow or Master in the Academy.
        insurance premium. But what I’ve received as a result of  The Chase Visa card is another valuable benefit. One
        my AGD membership has been PRICELESS.                  can earn points with everyday purchases, including office
           In  my  first  years  of  membership,  I  only  attended  a  purchases, which can be used for a variety of rewards. For
        handful of AGD courses, but then I met a Fellow, Dr. Alan  example, I’ve used points for three flights to Europe. Not
        Kestner, who introduced me to the PEAK (mastertrack)   bad for a small annual fee and purchases you’re already
        program in Pennsylvania. (Back then, NYS did not have  making.  These are just a couple of the benefits available.
        its own Mastertrack Program, but we do now!) From the  The full listing can be found on the AGD website.
        moment I walked in, I was warmly welcomed and soon        Speaking of the website, AGD is proud to announce
        realized what great people AGD members are! The cama-  some  new  practice  management  tools  for  its  members.
        raderie, the education both during the courses and after, is a website targeted to patients
        and the lifelong friendships that I have formed with that  which provides dental health information. SmileSavers
        group are PRICELESS.                                   is a free program (that works with your existing practice
           When  I  earned  my  mastership  at  the  2001  AGD  management software) that can email and text message
        National Meeting, I was introduced to many members of
                                                                                                  continued on page 26
          From The President-Elect

        By Ira Levine DDS, FAGD                                   I was fortunate enough to attend an AGD stated meet-
                                                               ing and sit next to Phillip Epstein, who was the President
                               y name is Ira Levine and I am   of the NYSAGD at that time.  I don’t know what Phil saw
                               the  President-Elect  of  the   in me but he asked me to attend a Board meeting.  I truly
                        MNYSAGD.    Now  that  I  am  just     must thank him.  I had never thought of being involved
                        under  a  year  away  from  being  the  in organized dentistry, other than maintaining member-
                        President,  I  find  myself  asking,  “How  ship, but when Phil put that thought into my head, it was
                        the heck did I get here?!!”  It seems like  like being defibrillated: We have a pulse, stop CPR, and
                        it was just yesterday I was asked to come  continue rescue breathing.  My wife may not thank him
                        to a Board meeting.  Maybe I should fill  as much as I do but as long as he is willing to bestow her
        you in on some of the highlights.  Don’t worry.  I won’t bore  with drinks at our parties, she is willing to overlook that
        you with all the details.  Just understand that there is a  fact.
        lot more to this story than what is being written.        That was almost 7 years ago and I don’t often require
           I  had  been  working  in  an  office  (not  my  own)  for  any  further  rescue  breathing.    I  have  gained  tremen-
        almost 10 years.  I was naive and believed the promises  dously by my participation in organized dentistry.  I have
        and excuses that were made to me.  I had been doing the  learned business principles, public relations, marketing,
        minimum CE requirement for membership maintenance      leadership  skills,  time  management,  organizational
        in the AGD and I had lost much of my enthusiasm for the  skills, and gained the respect of my peers.  Well, maybe
        profession.  For the most part, I saw the same people day  the respect part is pushing it a bit, but my enthusiasm for
        after day after day with little change and little challenge.  the  profession  has  expanded  beyond  what  I  ever  imag-
        Finally, I decided that I needed to do something about my  ined possible.  I take as many CE courses as I can (time
        situation.  I was going to start a new office.  I needed to  permitting) and I never fail to meet as many of our col-
        make  things  happen  instead  of  letting  them  happen  to  leagues as I can.  The AGD has afforded me the opportu-
        me.  I needed to increase my exposure to new ideas and  nity to meet and befriend some of the greatest people and
        new people.                                            most knowledgeable dentists I have ever known.  I talk to | Fall 2009 | GP 4                                                         continued on page 26
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