Page 5 - GP FALL 2009
P. 5
From The Regional Director
by Abe Dyzenhaus, DDS, FAGD worker with an agenda for the next year that will invig-
orate the AGD. I wish both Dave and Chuck the best of
he AGD annual meeting was held luck in the coming year.
in July in Baltimore, Maryland.
TIt was a successful meeting with Even though AGD is a continuing education and general
many great speakers and numerous dentist advocacy group, it is also a place to come and
participation courses held at the make friends for a life time. Over the years, I have met
University of Maryland Dental School. many dentists at courses and governance sessions that
Next year’s annual meeting will be have become lifelong friends. In New Orleans, you will
held in New Orleans, July 7 to July 11, have a chance to go to the finest restaurants with your
2010. It may be too early to block out family, colleagues and friends.
those dates from your schedule but it is
not too early to think about it! As you may be aware, AGD has been working very hard
with NYS Board of Dentistry to accept the AGD tran-
As the Regional Director for NY, I have the opportunity script as proof for NY license renewal. In the past
to meet the new officers and staffs of the AGD. At the month, we were informed that the AGD transcript will be
Baltimore meeting, we were introduced to Chuck accepted. Please take advantage of this new benefit and
Macfarlane, the new Executive Director of the AGD. I enroll in our PACE approved NYSAGD courses.
had a chance to spend some time with Chuck and found
him to be very enthusiastic and looking forward to help- The NYSAGD has been working very hard to increase
ing the AGD take that next step. and improve the continuing education courses that are
being offered to our members. We are all aware that
AGD also installed its new president, Dave Halpern, at there are many other organizations that offer continuing
the Baltimore meeting. I have known and worked with education but at NYSAGD, it is our #1 objective for our
Dave closely over the past few years. Dave is a very hard members. See you at the courses!
From the National Trustee
by John C. Comisi DDS, FACD, FAGD able in that subject area, date and places within your
parameters. Check out this feature on the AGD website.
You’ll be glad you did.
V Savers? It is an exciting new service for AGD members
Third, AGD Smile Savers. What is AGD Smile
that offers automated patient communication which
This is a word that is often bandied integrates with your existing practice management sys-
about in today’s financially challenged tem to deliver quality patient communication using e-
economy. Where can one find value in mail, text messaging, and more. With AGD Smile Savers
the things that one purchases? you can send you patients Appointment Reminders,
Americans are heading to the “dollar Monthly E-Newsletters, Birthday Greetings, and Patient
stores” in search of items and household Surveys. It can help reactivate dormant patients in your
necessities that they can save money on. But is this men- practice, provide them with online forms to fill out for
tality of value? The saying “You get what you pay for” your office, and can help recharge your re-care system.
comes to mind. If I buy something at a dollar store, am I The AGD Smile Savers service integrates many prac-
getting value? Perhaps, but chances are it won’t be a long tice management systems including DentiMax, Dentrix,
lasting item that will be useful only for a short time. So, EagleSoft, EasyDental, MOGO, OpenDent, Practice-
rather than “buying on the cheap”, I personally search Web, PracticeWorks, and SoftDent.
for value in the things that I purchase. So how much does this service cost? For AGD mem-
Your AGD is an organization that offers VALUE for bers, there is NO COST! It is a member benefit. Other
your membership dollars. similar products that are offered in the dental market
First, as you may already know, the AGD transcript is can cost you almost $2000 each year. You are able to use
now recognized by the New York State Department of AGD Smile Savers just for the cost of being an AGD
Education as proof of your continuing education require- member. Sounds like an EXCELLENT value to me.
ments for re-licensure. If you are already an AGD member, I encourage you
Second, the new AGD Continuing Education Data to take advantage of these above listed items the AGD
Base on the AGD website ( has created for you, along with so many other member
is now operational. It offers what may be the largest data benefits that I don’t have the space to list here.
base of continuing education courses. It has the potential If you are not an AGD member, what are you waiting
to be the “one stop shopping” for all your CE needs. for? You can’t afford not to be a member after looking at
Enter in the type of course, the date and how far you the VALUE of an AGD membership.
wish to travel, and the database will list courses avail- Talk to you again soon. | Fall 2009 | GP 5