Page 6 - GP FALL 2009
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The 2009 Meritorious Service Award
Dr. Lawrence Bailey DDS, MPH, FAGD
Presentation of Meritorious Service Award by Dr. Kay-Tiong Oen, DDS, MAGD, LLSR
Good evening. This weekend is a very significant weekend for the NYS Academy
of General Dentistry. This afternoon, our Board of Trustees met for the first time
in its history in the upstate NY. Also this evening, we will be honoring two out-
standing members of our Board. We will be installing our first female president.
I assure you that Dr. Janice Pliszczak was not selected because of her gender.
She will be our president because of her qualification and dedication to the
NYSAGD. I have known and worked with Janice on committees since she
joined our Board and, I can tell you, she will be a great president.
Dr. Lawrence Bailey is the recipient of this year’s Meritorious Service
Award. I have known Larry since he first volunteered for the AGD National
Meeting which was held in New York in 1989. I did not realize till later that
the reason for his volunteering was to get to the free luncheon buffet offered to
course monitors! I guess by now Larry has repaid the AGD for that free lunch
with his many hours of dedicated service. I have also enjoyed many dinners with
Larry whenever we went to the national meetings, provided he did not get a bet-
ter deal.
Larry is a past president of the NYSAGD and has served on many councils and
committees for AGD, while also being active in other dental organizations. I don’t see
how he ever has time to have dinner with his
wife, Stephanie.
This past weekend in Syracuse was very Dr. Lawrence Bailey is the Director of
special for Stephanie and me. Not only Dentistry at the Renaissance Health Care
because of the award and gift that I received, Network. He is a Clinical Assistant Professor at
but because I was fortunate enough to share Columbia University College of Dental
the evening with people who are very dear to Medicine in the Division of Community Health.
me; my NYSAGD family. He has lectured widely and has many publica-
Thank you very much for helping me tions. He has received many awards including
remain steadfast in my commitment to better Fellowships in the American College of Dentists
serve our public, our profession, and our and the International College of Dentists. He
Academy through continuing education and has also earned his Fellowship in the Academy
camaraderie. I would not have been able to of General Dentistry and will soon be receiving
accomplish anything without your encour- his Mastership in the AGD.
agement, kind words and warm thoughts. For AGD, Larry has served on many nation-
Whenever I proudly wear my pocket al councils. He was a member of the Dental
watch, it will remind me of the personal and Care Council, Membership Council,
professional relationships that I enjoy with Constituent and Component Development
you individually and as a group. As I contin- Council, as well as the AGD Foundation. He has
ue to move up the NYSDA political ladder, I
will remember the New York Academy of served as a delegate to the National Meeting for
General Dentistry, and I promise you that I many years and is also a SpokesDentist for
will do everything within my power to nur- AGD. After completing his term as president of
ture improved relations between both orga- the New York State AGD, Larry has continued
nizations. to be active in the New York BOT. He has never
I wish Janice and all the officers a suc- forgotten his AGD roots as he has continues to
cessful and productive year. Take care and be involved in the leadership positions within
be well. Peace be with you. the Greater New York Dental Meeting as well
as the New York State Dental Association and
Yours for the Good of the Academy, the New York County Dental Association. He
currently sits on NYSDA’s Board of Governors.
Larry It is my pleasure to present Dr. Lawrence
Bailey with this year’s New York State AGD
Meritorious Service Award. | Fall 2009 | GP 6