Page 15 - NYSAGD GP Fall 2018
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and Dr. Ronald J. Lehand, DDS, MAGD   the  NYSAGD Board  of  Trustees at  our   Be Open to New Ideas
        (periodontist). I believe the students were   last board meeting.  We were all quite im-  There  is a  saying,  “You can’t  open  new
        suitably impressed and inspired.     pressed at how much our student members   doors with old keys”.  While old ideas are
                                             have accomplished in the past year.   still  good  –  flyers  to  advertise  upcoming
        In addition, whenever there was a Lunch                                   seminars – sometimes, Facebook Invite is
        and  Learn, the  invitation  to  attend  was   Encourage and Support – But if You   so much faster and more efficient.  Yes –
        especially  extended  to  our  AGD mem-  Can’t Help, Get Out of the Way   you can teach an old dog new tricks. Espe-
        ber faculty.  They received free lunch and   It is the function of every teacher to assess   cially if she has an iPhone X!
        CE  credit  for  attending  and  we,  in  turn,   the ability of their students – their weak-
        received  valuable  feedback  and endorse-  nesses  and their strengths and help them   In conclusion, it was a lot of hard work
        ment.  It was a win-win situation.   improve. As a faculty advisor, I was no dif-  but time well spent.  I guess only time will
                                             ferent.  I know they were super busy.  They   tell whether we are truly successful but it
        Furthermore,  thanks  to  the  generosity  of   barely have enough time to sleep!  But I   was gratifying to watch the students grow
        our  amazing  and  talented  members,  our   encouraged them to submit articles, com-  and develop into young leaders.  It was an
        students had great speakers for Lunch and   municate  effectively  with the administra-  enriching  experience.    If you are a fac-
        Learns – gratis. I want to thank Dr. Kay   tion, and attend NYSAGD Board of Trust-  ulty member in NY and are interested in
        Oen, Dr.  Eugene Antenucci, Dr. Fabiola   ee meetings.   These were small things I   becoming  a faculty  advisor  for a  student
        Milord, Dr. Jean Furuyama, and Dr. James   could help them with to foster their growth   chapter, please  reach  out to me.  I’d be
        Keenan for taking time out of their busy   as  leaders.  However,  when  they  started   happy to help.
        schedules to educate our students.   talking about the international editing proj-
        Tip:  Try to get  speakers from in-house   ect on information relating to dentistry on
        when you can. There is always more paper-  Wikipedia,  I knew this  was beyond  my    Dr. Rhee is an Adjunct As-
        work and scrutiny when you bring speak-  scope.  Luckily, Dr. Analia Veitz-Keenan     sociate Clinical Professor
        ers from outside the school.         took charge and the project  is moving           at NYU College  of Den-
                                             along nicely.  One of our students, Nicole       tistry  and she is honored
        Document and Photograph Everything   Liu, was actually selected to go to Oslo to      to  serve  another  year  as
        Good record keeping is always essential   learn more about this project in depth this   Faculty  Advisor for the
        in any well-run organization.  Ours started   August.                                 student chapter. She is a
        when we had to report back on the progress                                            member of the NYUCD’s
        we made to the AGD as a recipient of the   Plan Ahead but be Flexible      Part-Time  Faculty  Council  and she
        Mini Grant and Scholarship Awards.  We   One thing I learned working with my stu-
        continued to document our year – with lots   dents is to be flexible.  Nothing is etched   also serves on the  Membership Coun-
        of photos - and it came in handy when the   in stone – meetings got cancelled and re-  cil at AGD. She is the Chair of the New
        students put together a Powerpoint presen-  scheduled because 4  years had rotations   Dentist  Committee  and  Associate  Edi-
        tation as their application for the Student   or 2  years had a big oral medicine exam.    tor for the NYSAGD. She would like to
        Chapter  of the Year Award.   We  did  not   Between various religious holidays, exam   take this opportunity to thank all those
        win, but I believe reviewing all they have   schedules, availability of our guest speak-  who  helped  make  student  chapters  at
        accomplished  in the  past year  was quite   ers, it was always quite a challenge trying   NYSAGD a reality. Dr. Rhee is in private
        rewarding for our students. Besides, I hate   to find a date for our Lunch and Learns.    practice in Manhattan.
        to see a good Powerpoint go to waste.  So   But despite all the variables, it can be done.
        I asked them to show the presentation to   If not, we will do it next week.

                 How to Get More Funding for Your Student Chapter

                                                By Seung-Hee Rhee, DDS, MAGD

         Change is never easy but hopefully the gradual transition will ease  - Gold Level:  Receive an additional $500 upon recruiting your
         the process.  Lastly, here are some additional tips on how to get ad-  30  new member.
         ditional funding for your school and to make most of your money:
         1) AGD Constituent Mini Grants/AGD Student Chapter Fel-  3) 18 Months of Membership for the Price of 12
         lowtrack Scholarship Programs                         If you join after July, students can enjoy up to 18 months of mem-
         Each constituent can apply for the Mini Grant and/or the Scholar-  bership for the price of 12 months.  For example, if you join be-
         ship to help supplement the cost of membership recruitment and   tween July 1 to December 31, 2018, enjoy membership through
         retention  programs, invite  speakers, host leadership  programs,   the end of 2019.
         etc. They each award $500.  Keep an eye out for AGD in Action
         in your email to take advantage of these opportunities. **A con-  4) AGD’s Student Chapter of the Year Award
         stituent may receive only 1 Mini Grant and 1 Scholarship every   This  contest  honors one  AGD Student  Chapter  that  provides
         12 months. Please refer to for more details.   their student membership with the best overall set of programs
                                                               and activities.  A.T. Still University Arizona School of Dentistry
         2) Refer a Classmate Program                          and Oral Health was the winner in 2018.  Winning school gets a
         All AGD dental student members in good standing can participate.  Certificate  of  Recognition  and  a  $1000  in  prize  money  to  be
         It starts from January 1 to December 31.  You can earn up to $850!   used towards new membership programming or to enhance ex-
         **Not eligible in states where student dues are paid by the constit-  isting programs. **Student Chapter that won the Award in the
         uents. Please refer to for more Rules and Eligibility.  immediate  prior year  is exempt  from consideration  for  the
         - Bronze Level:  Receive a $100 American Express gift card upon  following academic year’s award submissions.  Please refer to
         recruiting 10 new members.                   for more details.
         - Silver Level: Receive an additional $250 upon recruiting your
         20  new member.
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