Page 21 - NYSAGD GP Fall 2018
P. 21
History of NYS Academy of General Dentistry
Compiled by Jay S, Orlikoff, DDS, FAGD with invaluable help and input from Mrs. Phyllis Kudler (Siegler) Zinner, RDH,
Stan Markovits, DDS, MAGD, Herb Horowitz, DDS, FAGD, Charles Mirabile, DDS, FAGD, Frank Frani, DDS, FAGD,
Charles Puglisi, DMD, FAGD, Marshall Price, DDS, Ludi Liebsohn, DDS, FAGD, and Jack Glazer, DDS, FAGD
Prior to the 1960’s there was little opportunity attending the meeting could safely leave Renzo Nylander and in the Albany area under
for dentists to find quality continuing their coats, have some refreshments, have the guidance of Dr. Marshall Price.
education courses. In 1952, a handful of their questions answered about membership
Chicago dentists led by Dr. Thadeus “Ted” issues and informally schmooze with their Study clubs were becoming a way for dentists
Weclew, recognizing this void and in order friends and colleagues. The hospitality room to interact and learn from their colleagues.
to create more opportunities for dental also engendered membership recruitment. One of the largest and most active was in
continuing education, formed what would Unfortunately, as costs escalated it was felt Westchester. When the founder of this group,
soon become the second largest dental that this expense put a disproportionate burden Dr. Phil Morse, involved himself with the
organization in the world, the Academy of on the membership and was discontinued. NYSAGD, membership from this area grew
General Dentistry. rapidly.
With the involvement of Dr. Fred Burling,
In New York, the lack of a dedicated and membership began expanding into Long The 1970’s saw continued increase in
independent member-supported organization Island. Growth in the Academy was becoming membership. More was expected of our office
remained. There were limited courses given geometric. Meetings at homes were no longer and consequently we hired our first Executive
at the dental schools and there was also a practical. They were now being held in hotel Secretary. Phyllis was the daughter of Dr.
private provider of continuing education meeting rooms to accommodate the growing George Kudler. She dedicated a room in her
in Manhattan, the New Organization for attendance at both Board of Trustees meetings home to maintain the files of the Academy
Graduate Dentists. At the helm of this and courses sponsored by the NYSAGD. and do the necessary clerical tasks all along
organization were Dr. Myron “Mac” Lieb and Attendance at courses routinely was with her full time job as a dental hygienist.
Dr. George Kudler. surpassing 200 attendees and occasionally
would exceed 300. The preponderance of the In the 1990s, requirements of New York
In the late 1950’s or early 1960’s, while membership continued to be in Brooklyn, State mandated continuing education law
attending the Chicago Mid-Winter meeting, Manhattan, Queens and Nassau County so led us to having a real office located in
they became aware of the fledgling Academy the most convenient venues were hotels White Plains. We also hired an Executive
of General Dentistry. They envisioned that around JFK Airport. Director who could give leadership and
such an organization could find support guide the organization in a more businesslike
in New York. There, in a meeting room in In the mid 1970’s, under the presidency of manner. The organization that was borne with
Chicago, they started recruiting dentists Dr. Carl Swerdlove, a committee consisting meetings of a handful of dentists fifty years
who they recognized as New Yorkers by of Drs. Mac Lieb, Herb Horowitz and Henry ago had grown up. We shifted the location of
their admission badges. Upon returning to Trow drafted a constitution and bylaws which our meetings to the area near LaGuardia to
New York, recruiting took a more personal was ratified by the general membership. Thus, make it easier for attendees coming from the
direction. Those who had joined now began New York became the first constituent to have Upstate area and the northern suburbs of the
to call their friends and asked them to join the a set of bylaws and it served as a model for all metropolitan area.
group. One member at a time, they succeeded. other constituents. At that time, Bronx was a
component of the First District Dental Society Meetings of the Academy of General Dentistry
In the early to mid 1960’s, meetings were and as the word spread through Manhattan, it where all constituents sent delegates are held
held informally, usually in the basement was natural for dentists in the Bronx to also at various cities throughout the United States
of someone’s home. Dr. Kudler was now become interested in joining. and Canada. Representation at these meetings
dedicating much of the time that he was is based on proportionate membership in
not in his practice in Brooklyn to the New Besides the obvious desire of dentists to have the Academy by the individual states and
York State Academy of General Dentistry quality continuing education, membership provinces. In 1970’s and 1980’s, New York
and he formally became our first president. in the Academy grew because there was a (Region 2) was a leader sending the largest
Dr. Lieb, while still actively involved, was warmth and friendliness at the meetings. It delegation to the AGD Annual Meeting. Four
spending more of his time with the New was not only to gather knowledge but the presidents of the AGD were from New York:
Organization for Graduate Dentists and his meetings and courses gave the attendees Dr. George Kudler (1973-74), Dr. Stanley
practice in Manhattan. As a consequence, the an opportunity to reacquaint with friends Markovits (1977-78), Dr. Ludi Leibsohn
preponderance of membership was coming and classmates. The Academy, being a new (1991-92), and Dr. Howard Glazer (1995-96).
from Brooklyn thanks to it being promoted organization, also gave younger dentists who All brought honor to New York. We also were
at meetings of the Second District Dental wanted to become involved in a professional represented by three Speakers of the House:
Society. Also fostering this growth was Dr. organization a chance to hold a position of Dr. Carl Swerdlove (1983-87), Dr. Jay Orlikoff
Irving Gruber, the Executive Director of leadership sooner than they could in the (1997-99), and Dr. John Comisi (2013-15).
the Greater New York Dental Meeting. Dr. dental society.
Gruber, while never becoming active in the From the early 1990’s through the present,
AGD, saw a symbiotic relationship between Membership from the upstate region in the membership in the NYSAGD has leveled
the NYSAGD and the GNYDM. He believed NYSAGD was occurring but it was not until off. Our membership has been affected by
the desire for continuing education would the late 1970’s that there was significant population shifts and increased retirements
bring dentists to the GNYDM and likewise growth. Dr. Frank Frani, who at the time was to sunbelt locations in the United States. If
those who took courses would be interested the Area Vice President from Syracuse, had you are a current member and reading this
in an organization that promoted continuing the innovative idea to hold one membership history, look back into your roots and call
education. meeting and its associated course upstate. The your friends and colleagues and just like in
Board embraced this idea and when it went the old days, spur on our membership one
The NYSAGD from the 1970’s into the early into effect, appreciative dentists from the member at a time.
1990’s had a presence at the GNYDM by upstate regions joined in increasing numbers.
hosting a hospitality room where members This idea was also tried in Buffalo by Dr. continued on next page l Fall 2018 l GP 21