Page 12 - GP spring 2023
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were added using a lab tool and A2-A2.5
        opaquer (Figure 6).

                                                     Figure 9. Placement of achro-  Figure 10. Adapting composite to full
                                                     matic microfilled composite as   contour.
                                                     the final layer.
             Figure 6. Adding dentin mamelon
             characterizations with a laboratory   ration, an achromatic microfilled compos-  References
             sculpting tool.                 ite (MI Renamel Microfilled, Cosmedent)   1. Burns DR, Beck DA, Nelson SK, Commit-
                                             was placed (Figure 9), and adapted to full   tee on Research in Fixed Prosthodontics of the
                                             contour (Figure 10). The use of this layer   Academy of Fixed P. A review of selected den-
        Figure 7 shows curing of the opaque layer,   allowed for two advantages. First, the ach-  tal literature on contemporary provisional fixed
        and figure 8 demonstrates the completion of   romatic  color allowed for the underlying   prosthodontic treatment: report of the Commit-
        the tints and opaquers. To complete the resto-                            tee on Research in Fixed Prosthodontics of the
                                             characterizations to show through, and sec-  Academy  of Fixed Prosthodontics.  J Prosthet
                                             ondly,  the  microfilled  composite  allowed   Dent. 2003 Nov;90(5):474–97.
                                             for  an  easily  obtained  polish.  Following   2. Mohajeri, Mahsa et al. “Marginal Fit of Tem-
                                             polishing, the completed  restoration was   porary Restorations Fabricated by the Conven-
                                             cemented (Figure 11).                tional Chairside Method, 3D Printing, and Mill-
                                                                                  ing.” Frontiers in dentistry  vol. 18 31. 5 Sep.
                                                                                  2021, doi:10.18502/fid.v18i31.7236.
                                                                                  3. Tigmeanu, Codruta Victoria et al. “Additive
                                                                                  Manufactured Polymers in Dentistry, Current
                                                                                  State-of-the-Art and Future Perspectives-A Re-
                                                                                  view.” Polymers vol. 14,17 3658. 3 Sep. 2022,
                                                                                  4.  Methani MM, Revilla-León  M, Zandinejad
         Figure 7. Curing of opaquers.                                            A. The potential of additive manufacturing tech-
                                                                                  nologies and their processing parameters for the
                                             Figure 11. Immediate post-op frontal view of   fabrication of all-ceramic crowns: A review. J
                                             cemented, characterized printed provisional.   Esthet Restor Dent. 2020 Mar;32(2):182-192.
                                                                                  doi: 10.1111/jerd.12535. Epub 2019 Nov 7.
                                                                                  PMID: 31701629.
                                             The  choice  of  provisional  material  and        Dr. Soleymani graduat-
                                             method of fabrication is subject to many           ed  from the  Columbia
                                             clinical  variables.  Due  to  its  novelty  in    University College  of
                                             dentistry, studies on 3D printing for provi-       Dental Medicine.  He
                                             sional and permanent restorations are still        practices  at  Dent-Care
                                             limited. However, characterized 3D print-          Dental in Sunnyside,
                                             ed  nanoceramic  provisional  crowns  seem         NY.
              Figure 8. Cured tints and      to  be  an  excellent  option  in  the  aesthetic
              opaquers.                      zone. This may be especially so if the pa-         Dr. Arthur Volker grad-
                                             tient presents with a lost restoration as scan-    uated  from the  Colum-
                                             ning and software design is a quick process.       bia University  School
                                             Actual clinical time with patients could be        of Dental and Oral Sur-
                                             one-third less than a directly fabricated pro-     gery. He has published
                                             visional done in an “analog” manner, allow-        articles and lectures
                                             ing the clinician not to have their schedule       nationally  and interna-
                                             adversely affected.                   tionally on such topics as cosmetic den-
                                                                                   tistry, minimally invasive dentistry, and
                                                                                   dental materials. He practices at Dent-
                                                                                   Care Dental in Sunnyside, NY.

 l Spring 2023 l GP 12
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