Page 7 - GP spring 2023
P. 7
10. Describe a time during your humani- work under extreme conditions in which Additionally, humanitarian work inspired
tarian service that you felt like you were they’re doing it – without complaining - me to pursue a master’s degree in public
on the right path. brings renewed perspective and a such a health. I knew how to perform as an in-
The best example of being on the right path sense of satisfaction. It reemphasizes that dividual. It was time to learn how to best
during humanitarian service would be when this is what I was meant to do. Transferring perform in a community setting. There was
I travel with the next generation of dentists the enthusiasm of service to others is one more to learn and I made it my mission to
by training students. The joy, enthusiasm, of the best gifts humanitarian work has to be as much part of the solution as I could
and appreciation they seem to have for the offer. possibly be.
people they’re serving doing the arduous
Pediatric dentistry in Kumasi, Ghana. Any dental chair is a luxury. Anesthesia delivery in Kumasi, Ghana.
Servicing everyone. Training the next generation of dentists from Howard Extraction during post-earthquake
University College of Dentistry in Haiti. Haiti in 2010.
Organization matters. Sterilization matters. Volunteering in St. Lucia.
Population waiting to be seen in Ghana. Training the next generation of dentists
from NYU Dentistry, Bronx, NY.
Volunteers in Cap Haitian, Haiti.
Gratitude from the Mayor of Kumasi, Ghana. l Spring 2023 l GP 7