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Dr. Milord Inspires Peers as 2022 Humanitarian Award Winner
The AGD Humanitarian Award is presented Why is it important for dentists to engage thing breaks down, that sets the mission
to a dentist who contributes voluntary ser- in humanitarian service? back tremendously. Time lost can never be
vice in conjunction with a consistent com- regained. With people camped around the
mitment to enhancing the image of general Humanitarian service is more than just per- venue for days in order to be seen, having
dentistry through the continuous delivery of forming dentistry. It’s about changing peo- traveled for miles, everything has to go off
quality dental care. The 2022 award winner, ple’s lives. It’s about diversity of people and in an orderly and organized manner. Cha-
Fabiola Milord, DDS, FAGD, takes this to culture. It’s about the underbelly of the hu- os can set in, so we try to mitigate that in
the next level by serving as a catalyst and man condition and what contributions you the preplanning stages as much as possible.
inspiration for many of her peers to partic- make to improve it. It’s about pushing your- Border crossings and airport customs are
ipate in voluntary service. She spoke with self to the limit to see how far you can go particularly difficult. Transporting supplies,
AGD Impact about the importance of using without the luxury of technology and mod- medicine and equipment can be burden-
her time, skills and resources to contribute ern equipment. It’s about a rediscovery of some, especially for a large group. Turning
to the greater good and about what moti- self that you will experience nowhere else. people away at the end of a mission is truly
vates her. It’s about impacting those who would other- disheartening. Not everyone can be seen.
wise go without. We either run out of time or supplies. You
AGD Impact: What drew you to human- always wish you could have done more.
itarian service, and how has service im- How do you inspire other dentists to join
pacted your career? you in volunteering? What are common What is your process in determining
obstacles dentists face in humanitarian where to go or work during your mission
Milord: I must admit that, in the early days service, and what advice do you have to trips?
of practice, I was not in love with my ca- overcome them?
reer. It seemed to be only about working in When a call comes from an organization,
order to pay student loans. I couldn’t even Inspiring other dentists is about promoting safety is always the No. 1 determinant of
afford to move out of my parents’ home! the work and the accomplishments that go where to go and work. A good sponsor will
Then, about three years after graduating, I with it. It’s about encouraging others to help have already vetted the locale; however, do-
was approached by the Max Cadet Dental a stranger the best way you can in reliev- ing your own research also helps. I prefer
Foundation about donating dental services ing his or her pain and suffering. It’s about to work in areas where I have never had the
at its newly built clinic in Haiti. The grat- extolling the art and science of dentistry by privilege of visiting. I enjoy new places and
itude and appreciation shown by the com- highlighting your skills. Only you can do it. new cultures and having a novel experience
munity afterward was overwhelming. It hit No one else can. every time.
me that I was in a position of privilege and
didn’t even appreciate it. From then on, I The most common obstacle is fear. There’s Describe a time during your humanitari-
looked at dentistry differently, and human- fear of losing income by closing the office an service when you felt like you were on
itarian service became sewn into the fabric in order to take time off, fear of traveling to the right path.
of who I am. As word got out about what I a strange locale, fear of the lack of resourc-
was able to accomplish, I was approached es, fear of failure and fear of the unknown. The best example of being on the right path
by other organizations. This not only of- My reassurance is to not overthink. Begin during humanitarian service would be when
fered the chance to treat some of the most the work, and, as you progress through the I travel with the next generation of dentists
marginalized people in the most remote lo- process, all of those fears go away. You be- — students. The joy, enthusiasm and ap-
cations under extreme conditions, but also come so immersed, it’s hard to stop, and it’s preciation they seem to have for the people
to reconnect with dentistry and what it has hard to imagine not doing what needs to be they’re serving while under extreme condi-
to offer. done. tions — without complaining — brings re-
newed perspective and such a sense of sat-
Additionally, humanitarian work inspired What are some of the challenges you have isfaction. It reemphasizes that this is what
me to pursue a master’s degree in public faced when coordinating and/or complet- I was meant to do. Transferring the enthu-
health. I knew how to perform as an indi- ing your mission work? Was there ever siasm of service to others is one of the best
vidual, but it was time to learn how to best a time that made you feel as though you gifts humanitarian work has to offer.
perform in a community setting. There was wanted to give up?
more to learn, and I made it my mission to This article originally appeared in the
be a part of the solution as much as I could The greatest challenge has always been the February 2023 issue of AGD Impact.
possibly be. lack of modern resources. The comfort level
you’re used to in a well-equipped office is
nonexistent. Everything is portable. If one l Spring 2023 l GP 5