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GP                    SPRING 2019
                                        SPRING 2019

                                                                                  and for some unknown reason I raised my
              The Journal of the             Editor’s Column                      He was looking for a healthcare worker
                                             By Janice Pliszczak, DDS, MS, MBA, MAGD
           New York State Academy                                                 hand. He asked for my name and what I
             of General Dentistry                             Overall, most people   did before doing a few dental jokes and
                                                              dislike  dentists, as
                                                                                  drill noises. He then segued into  his sto-
          New York State Academy of General Dentistry         I’m reminded    al-  ry about when he had athlete’s foot while
           19-02 Whitestone Expressway, Suite 204             most every time I see   on a trip to NYC and his experience in
                 Whitestone, NY 11357
                Telephone: 718-747-3353                       a comedian. My first   purchasing Lamisil. He was trying to be
                   Fax: 718-747-3355                          “upclose” experience   inconspicuous while buying the Lamis-
          To Contact the NYSAGD, visit our website            was at a Lewis Black   il, but he was recognized by fans in the
                   at                          show years ago. One   drug store. He tried to get the attention
          Janice Pliszczak, DDS, MS, MBA, MAGD                of my friends worked   away from the Lamisil by picking up a
                       Editor                in the box office and thought that she was   bag of Doritos. He then turned back to
                Analia Veitz-Keenan, DDS     doing me a huge favor when she sat my   me and started asking me about various
                     Paula Bostick           friend and I in the front row center. The   fungal infections. He kept returning to
                    Executive Director       problem wasn’t with Lewis, it was with   me throughout the show to find out  what
                                             his  opener, whose name  I don’t  recall.   “the dentist” thought.
                 2023 Executive Council      He talked with every male in the front
         President – Shahram (Sean) Shekib, DDS, JD,   row asking them what they did for a liv-  I did finally learn.
         FAGD, FICD, FAADS, FPFA, FACD       ing and made some funny remarks about
         2178 63  Street, Brooklyn, NY  11204                                     I saw  Howie Mandel again this Janu-
                                             each of them. He then said to the audi-  ary. My friend purposely bought tickets
         President-Elect – Analia Veitz-Keenan, DDS  ence, “You know why I’m not talking to   much further back this time. When How-
         NYU College of Dentistry, 345 East 24  Street  any of the women. I’m afraid of them!”
         New York, NY  10010                 He then proceeds to call on me by saying,   ie started the show, he asked for a health-
         Treasurer – Joseph DiDonato, III, DDS, MBA, FAGD  “You. In the front row. With the glasses.   care  worker again. One of my friends
                                                                                  gave me “the look” and told me to not
         680 South Avenue, Rochester, NY  14620  What’s your name and what do you do?”
                                             I really should have given him a fake an-  raise my hand. I told her that I had fi-
         Secretary – Berry Stahl, DMD                                             nally learned my lesson from last time.
         4422 Third Avenue, Bronx, NY  10457  swer, but apparently I didn’t know bet-  He went through the same Lamisil story,
                                             ter. I told him my name and that I was a
         Editor – Janice Pliszczak, DDS, MS, MBA, MAGD  dentist. He then started in on the dental   but focused on  an orthopedic surgeon in
         4827 Broad Road, Syracuse, NY  13215                                     the audience this time. Personally, I think
                                             stories while making drill noises. Unbe-  he needs some new material, but he did
         National Trustee – Ira Levine, DDS, MAGD  knownst to me,  I knew a lot of people in   mention  dentistry during his show. He
         111 North Central Park Avenue, Suite 208,    the audience that night and  I received a
         Hartsdale, NY  10538                number of emails and texts the following   talked  about  the  trend  of do-it-yourself

         Regional Director – Seung-Hee Rhee, DDS, MAGD  day. I was even recognized by someone   projects, stores such as Home Depot, and
                                                                                  certain things that you should not try to
         110 East 40  Street, New York, NY  10016  I don’t know at the hairdresser that week
                                             while I was getting my hair done.    do on yourself, like dentistry.
         Immediate Past-President – Teresa Skalyo, DDS, FAGD
         404 W. William Street, Geneva, NY  14456                                 Maybe he could learn something.
                                             You think I would have learned.
         GP – Journal of the New York State Academy of
         General Dentistry is published twice a year by   I went to see Howie Mandel a few years
         the New York State Academy of General Dentistry.   later and was sitting in the second row.
         The issues are mailed out in March and September
         to all the members of the New York State Academy
         of General Dentistry and are available on-line
         at All correspondence should
         be addressed to the Editor at 19-02 Whitestone   Nassau County solo General Dental Practice for sale
         Expressway, Suite 204, Whitestone, NY 11357.             4 operatories, busy office.
         The views, opinions and recommendations
         expressed in this publication are those of the    830k in collections 2022. Asking 695k
         respective authors and are not necessarily
         endorsed by the Academy of General Dentistry.              Serious inquires only
         Placement of an advertisement in GP – Journal                   516-754-5858
         of the New York State Academy of General
         Dentistry does not indicate an endorsement
         of its products or services by the Academy of
         General Dentistry.
                    ISSN 2770-2391
                                                                            l Spring 2023 l GP 3
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