Page 4 - GP spring 2023
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Dr. Fabiola Milord’s Award Acceptance Speech at the AGD House of Delegates
                                     in Chicago, IL on November 12, 2022.

        First of  all I really want to thank Dr. Sue  always imagined that I would be able to give  able to support myself with it. I had a very
        Rhee. She’s the Trustee for Region Two of  my services to those who can access it at the  skewed view of dentistry until this type of
        the AGD  for New York State. And I real-  time that it’s being delivered. The work is  work came to me and I’m like, you know
        ly want to  thank her for the nomination. I  grueling, grueling work long days. It can be  what? You are lucky. You’re able to offer it
        know that it took a lot. The application pro-  as much as 18 hours of work in one day.  and you should be grateful that you have a
        cess is very competitive because I’m not the                               skill and a profession that can benefit oth-
        only person who does this type of work. So   You get there very, very early in the morning   ers. So to me, this profession and this type
        the fact that I won the award, I was floored,   no matter where you go. It doesn’t matter if   of work, specifically medical mission work
        I was humbled, I was excited, I was in tears   it’s in the US or outside of the US. 5:00 AM,   really saved me. It made me love dentistry
        because this is not the type of work that is   4:30 AM, and people are lined up sleeping   even more. I truly want to thank the Acad-
        really highlighted in dentistry. You highlight   around the building in order to access care   emy  of General Dentistry for bestowing
        more the glamorous stuff, the implants and   because they don’t know when you’re going   this huge honor on me. I want to thank my
        the Botox, the facial fillers. That’s the glam-  to come back to provide these services. And   family for the support. It’s always nice com-
        orous type of stuff that people want to talk   the  work is not comfortable.  Many  times   ing home and having family really validate
        about. So when you talk about doing work   you work in over 100 degree heat. There’s   what you do. And after being stressed out in
        to those who are marginalized, to those who   often a generator for  electricity and  instru-  the middle of nowhere and come home, and
        are on the outskirts of society, vulnerable   ments are sterilized through pressure pots.   have family say, “We’ll take care of you.”
        populations, people that have not really   It is dentistry in its most basic form. I was   That’s always great. But most important-
        much of a voice, and that type of work is   very disillusioned with dentistry when I first   ly, out  of  everybody I mentioned, I really
        being honored, it is incredibly humbling.   got  out.  It  seemed  all  about  work,  work,   want to thank the people who allowed me to
        And I can’t thank the AGD enough for hav-  work, work, student loan, student loan, stu-  serve them, those who give this award give
        ing selected me for this huge award. At least   dent loans, making those payments, work,   a voice to the voiceless. You have actually
        for  me it’s huge.  Someone once told me   work, work, work, work.  And then when   recognized people who would normally not
        when I first started doing this type of work   you get into medical missions, you realize   be  recognized.  People  who, again,  on  the
        that dentistry wasn’t meant to be practiced   how privileged you are and how much the   fringe, marginalized,  vulnerable  popula-
        in this way. And to which I responded, “So   services  are  really  valued  outside  of what   tions, people who don’t have much, if any-
        you’re saying dentistry is for the privileged   you usually do.            thing. So on behalf of the population that I
        few?”.  And I never thought of dentistry as                                have been privileged and honored to serve,
        being for the privileged few. I thought if I                               thank you to the Academy of General Den-
        have a service and I’m able to offer it, offer   And so for me, I must say this kind of work   tistry for this award.
        in the context of that which I can offer to as   really  made  me appreciate  dentistry.  The
        many people as I can, that is the way that I   fact that I’m able to offer it, the fact that I’m

        Left to right. Sitting. Drs. Janice Pliszczak, Gerald Botko, Fabiola Milord, Analia Veitz-Keenan
        and Katayoon Noroozi-Liebowitz. Standing. Lawrence Bailey, Seung-Hee Rhee, Stephen
        Akseizer, Berry Stahl, Lorna Flamer-Caldera, Lucretia Depaola-Cefola, James Keenan,    Dr. Fabiola Milord.
        Ms. Paula Bostick, Drs. Ira Levine, Shahram Shekib, Ms. Caroline Puskas, and Dr. Abe Dyzenhaus.

        Drs. Abe Dyzenhaus, Shahram Shekib,
        Fabiola Milord and Robert Peskin.           Ms. Pascale Jean, Dr. Fabiola Milord   AGD President, Dr. Gerald Botko,
                                                    and Ms. Chedly Milord Louis.          and Dr. Fabiola Milord. l Spring 2023 l GP 4
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