Page 6 - GP spring 2023
P. 6
More Q&A with Dr. Fabiola Milord
1. Why did you become a dentist? 4. What does being an AGD member Inspiring other dentists is about promoting
True confession: My parents chose this mean to you? the work and the accomplishments that go
career for me. They wanted me to become Being an AGD member means standing out with it. It’s about encouraging others to help
a dentist. They believed I would have the amongst your peers as someone who dedi- a stranger the best way you can in reliev-
freedom to open an office wherever I so cates the necessary time and effort needed ing his or her pain and suffering. It’s about
chose. They wanted me to be as independent to keep up with the latest happenings and extolling the art and science of dentistry by
as possible. Although there are several phy- advances in dentistry. The hard work and highlighting your skills. Only you can do it.
sicians and nurses in my family, there are obligations necessary to become a Fellow No one else can.
no dentists. This was a unique career that or Master validates the endeavor especial-
no one else in the family had achieved. That ly amongst one’s peers. Also, it’s good to The most common obstacles are fear.
still holds true to this day. Back then you know that membership gives you the sup- There’s fear of losing income by closing
did whatever the family told you to port you need regarding all things pertain- the office in order to take time off, fear of
questions asked - especially in a very strict ing to general dentistry. With the AGD, the traveling to a strange locale, fear of the lack
Haitian household! general dentist will always have representa- of resources, fear of failure, and fear of the
tion at the table. unknown. My reassurance is to not over-
2. What has your professional career think. Begin the work, and as you progress
been like? 5. What drew you to humanitarian ser- through the process, all of those fears go
My professional career has been lifesaving vice? How do you choose which projects away. You become so immersed, it’s hard
as well as fulfilling and rewarding. Life- you become involved? to stop and it’s hard to imagine NOT doing
saving in the sense that having lost my This is a great question. I must admit that what needs to be done.
parents at an early age, I was left with a in the early days of practice, I was not in
career whereby I was able to support my- love with my career. It seemed to be only 8. What are some of the challenges you
self while focusing my energy on helping about working in order to pay student loans. have faced when coordinating and/or
others. Along the way, I have met an in- I couldn’t even afford to move out of my completing your mission work? Was
credible number of colleagues and mentors parents’ home! Then, about three years there ever a time that made you feel as
who helped guide and shape my career path after graduating, I was approached by the though you wanted to give up?
within organized dentistry and the profes- Max Cadet Dental Foundation about do- The greatest challenges have always been
sion. I have had the privilege of having a nating dental services in their newly built the lack of modern resources. The comfort
broad range of experiences. Having worked clinic in Haiti. The gratitude and appreci- level you’re used to in a well-equipped of-
with labor unions, private practice, not-for- ation shown by the community afterwards fice is non-existent. Everything is portable.
profits, academia, and hospital dentistry, I was overwhelming. It hit me that I was in If one thing breaks down, that just sets the
consider myself fortunate to have had my a position of privilege and didn’t even ap- mission back tremendously. Time lost can
career run the full gamut of what the pro- preciate it! From then on, I looked at den- never be regained. With people camped
fession has to offer. Being a general dentist tistry differently and humanitarian service around the venue for days in order to be
offers the variety of options that I need to became sewn into the fabric of who I am. seen, having traveled for miles to get there,
keep me constantly engaged and enjoying As word got out about what I was able to everything has to go off in an orderly and
what I do. I have also been blessed to have accomplish, I was approached by various organized manner. Chaos can set in so we
met many good patients and people along other organizations. This not only offered try to mitigate that in the pre-planning stag-
the way, building relationships with mem- the chance to practice on some of the most es as much as possible.
bers and other healthcare professionals. marginalized people in the most remote lo-
cations, under extreme conditions, but also Border crossings and airport customs are
3. Why did you join the AGD, and what to reconnect with what dentistry and what it particularly difficult. Transporting supplies,
has your organizational involvement has to offer. medicine, and equipment can be burden-
been like on the local, regional, and na- some especially for a large group.
tional levels? 6. Why is it important for dentists to en-
At the encouragement of my then co-GPR gage in humanitarian service? Turning people away at the end of a mission
resident, Dr. David Hanswirth, I was en- Humanitarian service is more than just is truly disheartening. Not everyone can be
couraged to become a member of the AGD performing dentistry. It’s about changing seen. We either run out of time or run out of
in order to pursue continuing education and people’s lives. It’s about diversity of peo- supplies. You always wish you could have
ultimately achieve Fellowship status. I have ple and culture. It’s about the underbelly of done more.
always made it a point to take advantage the human condition and what contributions
of the courses and events being offered at you make to improve it. It’s about pushing 9. What is your process in determining
the local level and have had the pleasure yourself to the limit to see how far you can where to go or work during your mission
of attending many national meetings. The go without the luxury of technology and trips?
national meetings not only offer the oppor- modern equipment. It’s about a sense of re- When a call comes from an organization,
tunity to recommit to continuing education, discovery of self that you will experience safety and security are always the number
but also offers the chance to visit another like no other. It’s about impacting those one determinant of where to go and work.
part of the country that I otherwise would who would otherwise go without. A good sponsor will have already vetted the
probably not. Engaging other members locale, however, doing your own research
throughout the country and learning about 7. How do you inspire other dentists to also helps. On a personal note, I prefer to
new industry standards are key components join you in volunteering? What are com- work in areas where I have never had the
to my interest in the organization. I hope to mon obstacles dentists face when it comes privilege of visiting. I enjoy new places and
attend the upcoming annual session in Las to humanitarian service, and what advice new cultures in order to have a novel expe-
Vegas in 2023. do you have for overcoming these obsta- rience every time.
cles? l Spring 2023 l GP 6