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Hunt syndrome must be started as soon as REFERENCES
possible using a combination of an antivi- 1. Mammas, I.N. and D.A. Spandidos, Paedi- Erfun M. Sadeghi, MS
ral and prednisone. atric Virology in the Hippocratic Corpus. Exp is a student at New York
Ther Med, 2016. 12(2): p. 541-549. University College of
CONCLUSION: 2. Steiner, I., P.G.E. Kennedy, and A.R. Pachner, Dentistry in the class of
VZV reactivation resulting in herpes zoster The neurotropic herpes viruses: herpes simplex 2023.
and varicella-zoster. The Lancet Neurology,
has many different clinical presentations, 2007. 6(11): p. 1015-1028.
complications, and associated post-herpet- 3. Nash, A.A., T cells and the regulation of her-
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is an Assistant Profes-
cated a high prevalence in the geriatric pop- Exp Med, 2000. 191(9): p. 1455-8. sor in the Department
ulation, dental providers must understand 4. CDC, Clinical overview of Herpes Zoster of Periodontology and
the mechanism of this virus along with its (shingles), D.o.V.D. National Center for Immu- Implant Dentistry at
clinical presentations and complications. nization and Respiratory Diseases, Editor. 2020: New York University
It is also essential for dental providers to Centers for Disease Control and prevention. College of Dentistry.
be familiar with the latest pharmacological 5. Guttiganur, N., et al., Herpes zoster of trigem-
inal nerve after dental extraction. Indian J Dent
protocols for treating this disease and be Res, 2013. 24(3): p. 396. Asma Muzaffar, DDS,
ready to educate the patient about the vi- 6. McDonald, E.M., J. de Kock, and F.S. Ram, MPH, MS is a clinical
rus and any prophylactic measures to take Antivirals for management of herpes zoster in- educator in the Depart-
before any treatment. Therefore, a provider cluding ophthalmicus: a systematic review of ment of Cariology and
must conduct a thorough medical and so- high-quality randomized controlled trials. An- Comprehensive Care
cial history with the patient’s age in mind. tivir Ther, 2012. 17(2): p. 255-64. at New York University
Research in this area is still evolving and 7. Bowsher, D., Factors influencing the features College of Dentistry.
growing following updates to VZV treat- of post-herpetic neuralgia and outcome when
ment protocols and corresponding dental treated with tricyclics. Eur J Pain, 2003. 7(1): Lucretia Depaola-Ce-
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8. Gilden, D.H., et al., Herpesvirus infections ical assistant professor
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Group Practice Direc-
tor at New York University College of
NYSAGD/NYU Students and Faculty Participate at
Health Screening and Residency Fair at the GNYDM 2022
By Seung-Hee Rhee, DDS, MAGD
The Greater NY Dental Meeting took place from November 25th to 30th, 2022 at the Jacob K. Javits Convention
Center in NYC and NYSAGD was again an active participant in this yearly event. The General Practice Residency
Fair was well attended and NYSAGD was there to answer questions about AGD, attaining your Fellowship (FAGD)
and Mastership (MAGD), and the importance of life-long
learning. Special thanks to our volunteers from NYSAGD
Board of Trustees – Dr. Shahram Shekib, Dr. Kayatoon
Noroozi-Leibowitz, Dr. Seung-Hee Rhee, and Mrs. Paula
Bostick - for their time.
Students and faculty members of NYU Dental were
also on hand to perform head & neck and intra & extra
oral cancer screening free to all attendees. More than 70
screenings were performed during this 2-day event. Spe-
cial thanks to our members of AGD Student Chapter at
NYU Dental, and our NYSAGD Board of Trustees and
NYU Dental faculty members, Dr. Analia Veitz-Keenan,
Dr. James Keenan, and Dr. Debra Ferraiolo for participat-
ing in this event. More than 33,000 attendees from 162 Left to right. Back row: Dr. D. Ferraiolo, Janani Thiruvengadam,
countries were represented at this year’s GNYDM. Yeonji Lee, Kevin Kim, Di Xu, Zhaohan Jia, and Paula Bostick.
Front row: Dr. A. Veitz-Keenan, Zhenhong Li, and Isabelle Cruz. l Spring 2023 l GP 10