Page 11 - GP spring 2023
P. 11

A 3D Printed Approach to Anterior Provisional Fabrication

                        Authors: Aadel Soleymani, DDS and Arthur R. Volker, DDS, MSEd, FAGD, FACD

        Introduction                         The digital revolution in dentistry of CAD/  The  completed  design  was  transferred  to
        Extensive loss of the human dentition can  CAM systems has increased the populari-  the printer using Chitubox slicing software.
        have a devastating impact  on day-to-day  ty of the indirect method due to decreased
        life. It is the responsibility of  the dentist  cost, ease of use, and increased speed. How-  The printer used was a Phrozen Sonic Mini
        to restore the aesthetics and function now  ever, most CAD/CAM systems rely on mill-  4k, a LCD type resin 3D printer. The resin
        lost. In many cases, indirect  restorative  ing machines where the dominant method   used was SprintRay OnX nanoceramic res-
        procedures are required to create a success-  of production is subtractive manufacturing.   in in B1, and post-processed in FormLabs
        ful restoration  when there  is substantial  The following case study aims to investi-  Wash and Cure. The produced flat shade
                                                                                  B1 provisional was then tried in the pa-
        hard tissue missing. Common issues with  gate another indirect approach of provision-
        this indirect approach are turnaround time,  alization using additive manufacturing (3D   tient’s  mouth  for  confirmation  of  fit  and
                                                                                  shade matching (Figure 3).
        fit and aesthetics of the temporary (interim)  printing) and nanoceramic resin. 4
        prosthesis during this time, and cost of the
        indirect  restoration.  The  temporary  pros-  Clinical Example
        thesis is vital in achieving a good-quality  A  28-year-old  male  presented  to  the  of-
        definitive prosthesis.  It is responsible for  fice with the chief complaint of an anterior
        maintaining  the  tooth  position,  protecting  crown that fractured off during breakfast.
        the pulp, maintaining their periodontal re-  An  examination  revealed  that  #8  crown
        lationship,  and establishing  function and  had  fractured  off and had  a  failing  core
        aesthetics. In certain circumstances,  pro-  with recurrent decay (Figure 1).
        visional prostheses are required for longer                               Figure 3. SprintRay OnX Flat shade B1 tempo-
        durations; thus, provisional restorative ma-                              rary tried-in. Note the monochromatic appear-
        terials should have good physical and me-                                 ance of the printed crown.
        chanical properties. 1
        The demand for high-quality aesthetic pro-                                To impart a polychromatic  appearance  to
        visional  and permanent  restorations  has                                the  printed  crown,  a  variety  of  flowable
        significantly increased in recent years due                               tints were used. First, a grey tint (Creative
                                                                                  Color  gray, Cosmedent,  Chicago,  Il) was
        to improved techniques, materials, and pa-                                used to  impart  the  appearance of incisal
        tient expectations. Therefore, the choice of   Figure 1. Preoperative presentation showing   translucency  (Figure 4).  This layer was
        fabrication method and material is pivotal.   failing restorations and tooth volume loss.  cured, then an opaquer (A2-A2.5 Opaquer,
        This article will demonstrate  an additive   The  tooth  was anesthetized  with  2%  li-  Creative Color) was used to mimic the in-
        approach  to  conventional  indirect  tempo-  docaine  with  1:100,000  epinephrine.  The  cisal halo found at the incisal edge (Fig-
        rary crown manufacturing  through CAD/  previous core and caries on #8 were re-  ure 5).  Dentin mamelon  characterizations
        CAM and 3D Printing.                 moved.  The tooth was etched  and bond-
                                             ed. Anchor (Vista Apex, Racine, WI) was
        Provisional Fabrication              placed, then cured. The core was polished
        The  provisional  restoration  is  a  pivotal   and the preparation refined. A double zero
        part of fixed prosthodontic treatment and   cord (Ultrapak, Ultradent, South Jordan,
        should be able to weather oral conditions   UT) was packed into the sulcus and both
        until  the  definitive  prosthesis  is  placed.   the maxillary and mandibular arches were
        When  considering  provisionalization,  the   scanned with a Trios 3 CAD/CAM scanner.
        dentist faces two crucial decisions: the fab-  The  generated  STL  file  was  uploaded  to
        rication method and the material of choice.   Meshmixer (a free application) and a mir-
        It is vital for the provisional of choice to   ror image of #9 was designed to the prepa-  Figure 4. Gray tint for halo effect.
        have adequate strength, aesthetics and pre-  ration of #8 (Figure 2).
        cise marginal fit as a deficiency in any will
        likely require an additional visit. There are
        two  popular  groups  of  provisional  mate-
        rials, PMMA/PEMA resins and Bis-acryl
        resins, and two fabrication methods, direct
        or indirect. 2

        A large advantage of the direct method is
        speed; however, several drawbacks include
        polymerization shrinkage and irritation of
        adjacent tissues. 3
                                                                                       Figure 5. Placement of a flowable
                                             Figure 2. Image of design in MeshMixer.   opaquer to mimic the incisal halo.
                                                                           l Spring 2023 l GP 11
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