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counseling%20and%20psychosocial%20suppo- 9. Center for Drug Evaluation and Research.
rt. Last accessed December 4, 2023. FDA warns about risks of dental problems Lana Kaleel is a current
3. Kumar R, Viswanath O, Saadabadi A. Bu- associated with buprenorphine. U.S. Food third-year student at NYU
prenorphine - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf. and Drug Administration. January 12, 2022. College of Dentistry, class
National Library of Medicine. April 29, 2023. Accessed December 4, 2023. https://www. of 2025.
Accessed December 5, 2023. https://www.ncbi. fda-warns-about-risks-dental-problems-as-
4. Whelan PJ, Remski K. Buprenorphine vs sociated-buprenorphine-medicines-dis-
methadone treatment: A review of evidence solved-mouth-treat#:~:text=Buprenor-
in both developed and developing worlds. phine%20is%20an%20opioid%20that,the%20 Dr. Gary Berkowitz is a
J Neurosci Rural Pract. 2012;3(1):45-50. cheek%20to%20treat%20pain. Clinical Associate Pro-
doi:10.4103/0976-3147.91934. 10. Etminan M, Rezaeianzadeh R, Kezouh A, fessor in the Department
5.Tripathee S, Akbar T, Richards D, Aminzadeh K. Association Between Sublin- of General Dentistry
Themessl-Huber M, Freeman R. The relation- gual Buprenorphine-Naloxone Exposure and
ship between sugar-containing methadone and Dental Disease. JAMA. 2022;328(22):2269. and Comprehensive
dental caries: A systematic review. doi:10.1001/jama.2022.17485 Accessed De- Care at NYU College
6. Suzuki J, Park EM. Buprenorphine/Naloxone cember 4, 2023. of Dentistry. He is also
and dental caries: A case report. The American 11. Suzuki J, Mittal L, Woo S-B. Sublingual bu- a Group practice director and a Senior
Journal on Addictions. 2012;21(5):494-495. prenorphine and dental problems. The Primary Mentor for the Paul Revere Society
doi:10.1111/j.1521-0391.2012.00254.x Ac- Care Companion For CNS Disorders. Published
cessed December 4, 2023. online 2013. doi:10.4088/pcc.13l01533 Ac- Dr. Analia Veitz-Keenan
7. Durrani M, Bansal K. Methadone - StatPearls cessed December 4, 2023.
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cessed December 5, 2023. https://www.ncbi. NYU Dentistry Depart- ment Oral Maxillofacial
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prehensive review. Health Psychol Res. ology and Health Promo-
2022;10(3):37517. Published 2022 Aug 20.
doi:10.52965/001c.37517. Accessed December tion. She has a private practice in Brooklyn,
5, 2023. NY, and is NYSAGD’s 2024-25 president.
Joint Effort Between the NYSAGD New Dentist Committee and
the Stony Brook AGD Student Chapter
Submitted by Katayoon Noroozi-Liebowitz, DDS
NYSAGD is pleased to announce that our September event, which was held in New York City as a joint collaboration between
NYSAGD’s New Dentist Committee and AGD Student Club at Stony Brook School of Dental Medicine, was a success. Togeth-
er with the members of the New Dentist Committee, Dr. Leibowitz established an in-person meeting between the President of
NYSAGD, Dr. Sean Shekib, and the AGD student chapters from Columbia, Stony Brook, NYUCD and Buffalo (off site). We
were grateful and extremely pleased to have the president of the NY County Dental Society, Dr. Mina Kim, along with former
AGD Board member from Virginia, Dr. Angela Marwaha, join the event.
With approximately 30 attendees, we had the opportunity to network between different constituents, recruit new members,
introduce the policies of AGD, and entertain questions regarding the political arms of the organization and the AGD Foundation.
The constituents were pleased to have a rich and open dialogue with all the members and were able to establish strong network-
ing opportunities with valuable insights. One of the major points of discussion was about bringing the new generation of leaders
to the table and having a clearer understanding of what AGD offers. This includes student grants, the work of the Foundation,
and how one can utilize the funding to help strengthen the chapters’ work and the new dentists’ function within the organization.
An acknowledgement email was sent to the presidents of the student chapters, thanking them for their effort in retention and
recruitment of members with a reminder to post relevant information on their social media sites.
The results of this joint effort, with assistance of AGD mini grants, were establishing rapport, engaging visionary leaders of our
organization, create a meaningful impact for our next generation of members, and revisit our advocacy with a stronger voice. l Spring 2024 l GP 17